Seeds Of Smile

Every passing day, there must be something you can do to put smile on someone else's face. It may not even be a big thing (in terms of money) but a seemingly small thing. There are sometimes when people will be so in need of that very small favour you may tend to overlook but it is that favour that will put smile on their face.

A few days back, someone came into a shop to buy sachet water after taking hot peppery Okpa (Pigeon pea pudding). The sachet water was 10naira but she had only 1000naira note denominations. The sales girl refused to sell to her because she did not have balance of 950naira to give to her. Incidentally, I was there, I just handed over 10naira to the sales girl and asked her to give her water to drink.

After she had drunk the water, the way she smiled and thanked me was as if I bought a car for her, it was so amazing. You see, even the smallest things can make impact in certain situations. Obviously, she can afford the water but she needed to drink water and it was not forthcoming even with her money at hand. Trust me, goodness can be done from anywhere and to anyone irrespective of their status.

Image from Pixabay

The truth is, no matter your current level, you will still have opportunities to put smile on people's faces, just try not to miss the opportunities. Wealth or lack of it is not measured in the greatness or lack of material possessions but in the heart you have to distribute them to the people that need them.

Each time you cause someone's face to smile, it is like a seed you sow in a farm - one way or another, the fruits will locate you. Just like the pipe that transmits water is never in lack of water, the person that always causes people's face to smile will never lack a true smile on his face.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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