Rising Above Temptation

Being tempted is not a sin. As a matter of fact, it is a sign that your are actually making a head way in life. The sin only comes when you allow yourself to fall into temptation. More often than not, people fall into temptation, not because they are weak but because of their own crooked desires. Every temptation that comes your way is overcomeable by you, but the question here is; do you want to overcome them?

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As you grow higher in life, the difficulty level of the temptations that come your way will increase to show that you are actually making progress in life. Your maturity lies in overcoming those temptations. Maturity is not a function of how long you have lived but how you have effectively charted a good course for yourself and the temptations you were able to overcome.

Temptations do not present themselves as "temptations" but they are often masked as what you desire and covet the most. What you don't desire many never be used to tempt you but what you desire, that is why some people are too quick to fall into temptation when they are tempted.

Sometimes, what you need to overcome temptation is a firm "no". No temptation is strong enough to withstand the power of a firm "no". The truth is; there's no explanation or excuse that can justify you falling into temptation - whether it is a "necessary evil" or not, there must be a way around the corner to circumvent the temptation.

However, if you see yourself falling into temptation, it is not the end of the road - just bounce back and make things right. Your glory is not necessarily determined by how your were able to avoid temptations, but how you were able to rise after falling.

When you keep rising up, one day, the temptations you have been trying to avoid will start avoiding you - this will be the dawn of maturity.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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