Living Above Anger

More often than not, the actions you take when you are angry normally come back to haunt your peace. Even the words you speak when you are angry are not left out, because they can annihilate what took you years of hard work to build. This is the reason you should refrain from making on-the-spot statements whenever you are angry.

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The number of minutes you spend angry is the same number of minutes you give up your peace of mind. This is because it is practically impossible to harbour both anger and peace in the same mind. Anger, most times, breeds out of intolerance and lack of understanding.

Harbouring anger in your mind is just like picking up hot charcoal to throw at someone. Trust me, it will do more damage to your hand holding it that the person it is thrown at. In the same way, anger affects you negatively more than it does to someone else.

There is no disproving to the fact that offences will come from time to time but how you respond to the offences will determine your maturity level. This is because anger management is not a gift but a choice and no one can succeed in getting you angry until you have permitted it.

No matter how you look at it, anything you start at the point of anger almost always ends negatively. You may have reasons to be angry but if you look holistically, there are bigger reasons not to get angry because the reasons to get angry are not always good reasons.

Anger is like a rot that attacks a big tree. It starts very small on the inside and before long, the whole tree will be eaten inside-out. You do not have to get angry to prove a point, and getting angry does not mean you are right, so beware.

Even though no one may punish you for getting angry, the anger itself is an enough punishment you inflict on yourself for someone else's misdeeds.

Each time you feel the urge to get angry, just remind yourself that you can live above anger and remind yourself also of the many reasons not to get angry.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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