Leveraging On Mentors

The place of mentorship in the success story of any achiever can never be overemphasized. It is always a known fact that if you want to know the secrets of achievers, then you need to observe their stories. This means that if you replicate what they did that brought them the success, then your own success is already in view. Remember this, success can also be achieved by imitation.

Image from Pixabay

As you know, for anyone to be successful, there are people that will play important roles in your life - these are called "mentors". As a child, your ability to see further is dependent on the shoulders of the person you stand on. This is why you should not make light of the input of people that have more understanding about the things you seek.

It does not matter how knowledgeable you may be in a particular field, you will still need mentors when you enter into a different field, because the knowledge in one field may not be universal to fit into another field.

The good part of mentoring is this; the knowledge that may have taken someone very long time to acquire through experiences, failures, testing, observation, etc, can be passed on to another person in just a matter of hours, If you can't figure it out yourself, then look for someone that has figured it out and align yourself with them.

The truth is; you are limited to how far you can go alone, but with the help of a mentor, you can leverage on their experiences to go higher. No matter how successful you may think you are, you are not exempted from having a mentor. Even mentors do have mentors, so do not exclude yourself from seeking for mentors. As a matter of fact, while seeking for success, you need mentors, and when you are successful, you still need mentors to maintain your success and to see more success.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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