If we were born to die, then what is the point of our lives?

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If we were born to die, then what is the point of our lives?

We exist in physical world. In this world every thing rust, everything decay. Read second law of thermodynamic. Here no one live for ever. So this is our first station. Our second station would start after death. So before death we have to do good deeds for gain energy. When we do something good our vibration increases. High vibration increase our energy. This energy will help us after death. So we are here for exam.

It is my view that it has to do with evolution. Everything is geared towards sustaining the species and species adapt so as to keep reproducing.. Reproducing, staying safe, permitting natural selection and so forth. This pertains to all species, including humans. But why any species lives at all, why there is life at all? Can that be answered? Scientifically I mean. If life needs to be sustained, why have birth and death? Why not have immortal life forms? Sometimes there are no reasons that are discernible to us humans, for phenomena such as the reason for life itself. We are too limited in perspective, as individuals to see the entire overview. Life began and evolved. That is a delightfully complicated thing. And perhaps that is that. I like ambiguities. I like things that cannot necessarily be solved. Need there be a point to our lives? We make the points for ourselves. We are here and we can ask such questions. That is provocative and stimulating.

God designed limited diversity into all of life. Nature has no means to add the information needed to create new life. Mutations only disable existing traits. It does not add new information. Information can only come for an intelligent mind.

First ask your self who gave this life to you. Is it your choice or by some one else. Do you thing your parents can produce a child as they want or desire. So our birth is not decided or designed by us. I feel there is some other force or entity that is operating all this including our life. So why bother about birth and death. Just live a decent living until the last day.

The difference between philosophy and Kabbalah is that in philosophy you can talk about something even if you have not achieved it. The Kabbalistic sage speaks only of the attainment of the tools he has achieved in them, and that includes the Creator.

Those who have spiritual attainment see behind each person and Behind all creation the Creator. TO Use his quotes and it's good if you're in an effort to be as well in attaimaent. If not, it's just a religion that gives you psychological compensation for your existence

We ask about the meaning of life because, in contrast to the still, vegetative and animate levels of nature, the human level is qualitatively higher than the animate. The human stands apart from the animal because he asks about the meaning of life. He wants his existence to be eternal.

If we can’t live eternally, then life has no value, because everything dies and disappears.

Therefore, the most important question that belongs precisely to the human is about the meaning of life.

It’s clear that I need to work, get married, have children and get involved in science, creativity, read books, listen to music, participate in cultural life and so on.

But what’s all that for?

I need to know, in any case: Is that the meaning of life? Or am I just filling time, forgetting about what’s most important?

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