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The new disease !!

WARNING: There Is A New Deadly Disease Worse than the HIV !?
The human papillomavirus, which is commonly known as HPV, is a new fatal disease, even more fatal than AIDS (HIV) and it is expected that this new epidemic will take many lives!

In this article, we will explain why HPV is much more lethal than HIV.

1- The HPV Nightmare

The human papilloma virus, or HPV, is one of the most widespread viruses in the contemporary world. This is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI). It is transmitted during sexual relations, but also through skin-to-skin contact. It infects the surface of the skin, the mucous membrane of the mouth, tongue, throat, tonsils, vagina, penis, cervix and anus. There are actually more than 100 types of this virus, where many of them look so nasty.

  1. The condom: A badly conceived idea

It is a misconception that condoms will protect us against sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS (HIV). But condoms can not provide 100% protection against HPV, according to more recent studies. HPV can in fact spread through skin-to-skin contact with infected parts of the body (skin) such as female and male genitalia. This silent killer is particularly serious for women and may be unnoticed for years before it attacks.

  1. A prolific virus

HPV is highly contagious, it is a common disease where ¾ of sexually active women catch it at a particular time in their lives. It is well known that this virus is sexually transmitted, but the slightest skin-to-skin contact of the genitals is another mode of transmission. This means that the condom can not protect you 100%.

Thanx for reading !