Empower yourself with this tool


As Albert Einstein once said: Everything is energy

In the back of our minds we all know it. but in todays society it is not really acquired anymore. so put on your sneakers and go for a run.

Take a 30 minute walk, do some bicycling, yoga or jumpropes. Working out and moving your body creates high energy level for the long term.

No time to workout? Create a solid proof early rising habit

food and drinks
for example fast foods and high sugar foods will weaken your energy level. in order to maintain fit you have to eat healthy, simple as that!

So remove all sweets, chips, fast foods and sodas from your home and replace them for whole foods, water, fruits, (apples, bananas, oranges, kiwis) greens, vegetables, potatoes, brown rice, etc.

Everyday put a can of water on the dinner table and drink regularly to keep your energy level balanced.

Avoid using alcohol as a nightcap. It will disrupt your sleep stages and will leave you unrested in the morning.


Create a place or multiple places that makes you happy. Trow away stuf that makes you feel depressed. this will give you peace of mind and inspiration.

Put your favorite pictures and motivation quotes on your desk or hang them on your walls. Create natural light in your home. Natural light is a high energy source.

Go out and surround yourself with people who are positive and give you energy. Do things with people who share the same or similar interests and people you feel connected to.

If people tend to bore you, be curious and make it your goal to find out what’s fascinating and unique about them.

Stay away from people who keep putting you down and suck the energy out of you every time again.


In general just be kind to anybody you meet. Be kind to your friends, neighbours, loved ones, and even strangers. Give them your smile when you pass them on the streets.

Stop judging or gossip. Don’t participate in these negative energies. Be the person that sends energy by being kind and you’ll notice your energy level rising. Practice patience and understanding.

Help people even if it’s in the smallest manner. Compliment, give away stuff you don’t need. Spent money on people in need. Donate to charity. Help out your friends or relatives with moving.

Listen to people who need some way of support or someone to talk to. Regular acts of kindness is one of the most effective ways to maintain a high energy level.

Take a 10 or 15 minute powernap. It’s all you need to quickly boost up your energy levels and feel fueled for hours to go.

If you believe it or not, it doesn't really matter, if you spend time in nature it will give you energy. Trees, birds and green fill you with energy. Go for a walk in the woods and you got two for the price of one!


Sincerely observe and appreciate nature for 5 minutes or more and you’ll feel an immediate energy boost. You’ll be aching for more.

Think and feel grateful daily. Thank the universe for everything that is in your life, for everything beautiful you discover, create and experience.

Gratitude for your family and friends, for clean water, fresh food, a healthy body, for being all that you are sends a positive signal to your body that will give you great amounts of energy.

**“We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think.” ~ Buddha. **

Learn to see the beauty in all things. There’s more than beauty on the surface. Observe and look for beauty in the smallest details in things, in people, in conversations, in the weirdest and most common things in life.

Learning to see and appreciate the beauty in everything will make you enjoy more of life and more moments of life which is a great source to pull your energy from.

Find beauty in the smallest of things in life and you will attain more energy than you can burn.

All I have left to say is, have an energy full afternoon folks!

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