My spinning tops - #2 [En]

Hello :D

Today it's my second post of my series of posts on metal tops!


What are metal tops?
They are precision tops, made to spin for more than 8 minutes for some of them! But more important, they are made to be beautiful.

How are they made?
Most of them are CNC machined, but some are hand-made. But hand-made ones can be really expensive.

How much do they cost?
The price range is really wide: It goes from 20$ to more than 1000$!

Why so much?
Because the hand-made ones are really rare, and they can take a lot of time to be made, so the price goes up really fast! Plus, the material used can be really expensive too.

Why collect them?
It's something that is useless, I agree on that, but it's somewhat relaxing, and fun to play with. Plus, like I said, I find them really beautiful. It's like collecting stickers, but it's more fun!

Where can I buy them?
There are a lot of shops that sells them, and you can sometime find them on kickstarter or indiegogo. There are also facebook pages for that.


So, today's top is not my favorite - again - but I find this one really interesting, because it's a lightweight, and the colour is really nice: pitch black.



The metal is aluminum, and the contact point (the "point" that goes in contact with the surface) is a metal ball.


Why a metal ball? because this way, you always have only one point in contact with the surface.


I bought this one on Massdrop, a website that lets you have some objects cheaper (I'll explain all of this in another post)


You can see that this one is easier to launch, but on this video I didn't launch it properly : I launched it again just after, and the top turned for more than 2min30! So yeah, really bad launch...

If you want to see the first post of this serie, here is the link for the first one:

French version of this post:

Thanks for reading 😀
That's all for this post! I'll show you some of my other tops in the next posts 🙂 So don't forget to upvote and resteem if you liked it!
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