My Top 10 List of Guilty Pleasures / 我内疚的快乐前十名

We all have our deep dark secret loves in life that only we know about and nobody else. Once through the front door and into the safety and comfort of our cosy living rooms, we can reveal the true nature of who we are without the judgemental eyes of society to cast its aspersions upon us. The stripped down, core version of ourselves can then be let loose and set free!  

But wouldn’t it be fun to find out some of these most embarrassing of personal tastes about someone else? Maybe discover that we actually aren’t all that different after all? Well, I’ve chosen myself as the experimental guinea pig for you all and will disclose my top 10 extremely guilty pleasures!  


“My Love of Junk Food” 

Let me start off by admitting I know it’s bad for us. I mean, the clue is in the title, right? I always promise myself just that one more burger, just that one final chip and I’ll be good from that moment onwards. But once we’re totally satisfied and our taste buds have been sufficiently appeased, the battle between your “heart” and your “mind” is now well and truly over. Now, “mind” can operate at full capacity again and the feeling of guilt for pigging out on what is essentially rubbish kicks in with a vengeance! 

Recently, I’ve been having a serious craving for KFC as the Colonel still won’t let his secret recipe out and until then, I’ll be forced to go and purchase probably what is considered the tastiest chicken you can get your hands on.  

I tell myself to cut down and fully intend to, but for now, this is firmly nestled within my top ten list. 


“Shopping Knowing That my Credit Card is Almost Maxxed Out”

The feeling of roaming through a mall for hours on end and spending money on items of luxury is something only us women can really relate to. Sorry guys, we know it drives you up the wall, but we can’t go against our DNA. It’s a primal instinct that runs deep within us.  

The credit card can be a girl’s best ally and worst enemy all in one, small, plastic strip. Running up bills of thousands is not unheard of and for us, it’s more like a “have fun now, worry about it later” type deal we have with ourselves. 

But there’s just something about knowing your card is reaching its limit. The sensation of living on the edge and seeing what happens next if you turn that dial just one more notch. The thrill of that moment can only be matched be the devastation of seeing your statement the following month. A guilty pleasure and a dangerous one to boot! 


“Reading OK Magazine”

Gossip, lies, affairs, rumours, body shaming, scandal, jealousy, incest and that’s only the tip of the “OK Magazine” iceberg. Celebrities are people too. They have the same feelings as us and the same emotions as us. They feel pain the same as we do, and are probably the most miserable people we could ever hope to meet. It’s bad enough having crazed fans stalking your every move, but their biggest adversary has to be the paparazzi. 

Chasing them everywhere they go to capture those award winning money shots can be a celebrity’s worse nightmare and then to plaster them all over the covers of the latest magazines. And the worst thing of all? I love to read them! It’s the excitement of getting a glimpse into the secretive “other” world of theirs. The world of the rich and famous. They try so hard to keep it private and we find it all the more irresistible to pry into. 

I do know it’s wrong and I’m just feeding a group of mud-slinging, corporate peeping toms who care more about the dollar sign than life itself. But I recognise this fact and hence add it to my list of guilt. 


“Listening to Cheesy 80s Music”

I think we can all look back to the era of the 80s and have a good chuckle. It was a strange transition from the extreme fashion statements of the 70s to the big shift in the 90s. Everyone seemed so happy and free. Gangster rap didn’t exist and dance music was simple and synthesized. 

I personally love 80s music, even though most of it is very corny. From A-ha – Take On Me to Gary Numan – Cars, I love the sounds and atmosphere of that period of time. When the house is empty, I can blast out these classics and not worry about “social” things like coolness or attitude. Just get lost in a time of purely having fun! 

Make no mistake, if I did the same thing out on the street, the looks I’d be getting make me cringe even thinking about it. No, this is a totally “closed environment” sort of entertainment and a big entry to my list. 


“Loving Reality TV”

I believe one of the first big shows to push Reality TV to the dizzying heights it has reached was The Osbournes. Crazy rocker’s family and the mental madness that dwelled within their walls, it was an instant hit. And really, Reality TV has never looked back since.  

Starting with American Pop Idol back in 2002, it’s been almost 15 years and still going strong. But really speaking, what are we watching? I mean it was bad enough we bought into the magazines as I mentioned above, but now we were buying to their television shows too! Celebrities living out their lives for the camera (most of it exaggerated and staged for the purpose of ratings) and we lap it up like little puppy dogs, begging for more. 

How can watching something so wrong be so enjoyable! Especially when we now live in a world where the cat is out of the bag and we all know it’s just regurgitating the same old thing over and over again trying to milk the cow completely dry! Again, another shameful guilty pleasure. 


“Singing in The Shower”

This I reckon is something many people can relate to. It feels great having a nice, warm shower at the end of a tiring day so what better way to express your jubilation than a burst of song! Well, preferably when nobody is in the house and all the windows are closed. 

We all have differing levels of vocal ability but there are few things in this world that can crank up that cringe-o-meter all the way up to a 10 than being discovered singing in the shower. The sheer embarrassment of getting found out, especially if your friends hear you, is a serious downside to this guilty pleasure. 


“Listening to Boybands”

Boybands are a thing of sheer bliss for screaming teenage girls. Choosing your favourite member of the group, pinning up that handsome lad to the wall and reflecting on all his gorgeousness with your BFF’s. Not so cool though, if you still love listening to them later in life. 

I’ve got many tracks from The Backstreet Boys, Westlife and even Take That that I love to fill every corner of the house with notably when I’m doing the chores. All those heart-breaking love songs, cheese-filled ballads and catchy lyrics are all ingrained into my memory forever more. 

So, I’m sure I’ll still be snapping my fingers along to them even when I’m old and retired. But still maybe even then, only when the house is free of people and I can enjoy as guilt free an experience as possible. 


“Practicing Dance Moves to “Dance” Movies” 

Dance movies such as Honey, Step Up and Footloose are fun to watch, even if they themselves are a little mushy and cutesy with their romance subplots and all. But I believe I’m admitting a big thing here. I love to practice the dance moves when no one is around. I think they look really cool in the movie and sometimes I even picture myself in the lead role. Come on, we’ve all done that, right? Lol, well, I hope so! 

The moves I’ve tried to pull off in the past have caused the house to shake and stuff to fall off shelves. I’m just lucky no mirrors have broken with all the shoes that have been flung across the room! The sad reality is that I’m sure if someone captured me doing those same dance moves, I’m more likely to be the next victim of “You’ve Been Framed” rather than the next star of the latest dance movie!  


“Pokemon Go”

Now we’re really talking as we reach the penultimate entry. When I first saw Pokemon Go being played, I laughed at how anyone could be so sad as to run around (sometimes in herds) and catch invisible monsters to be stored in their smart phone. Until, that is, I visited Holland Park in London where I live. 

Big groups of people of all ages were intertwined with each other in a quest to catch the rarest and strongest of all the Pokemon. So, puzzled as to what all the fuss was actually about, I installed it on my phone and the rest is history. 

I joined that herd and we must have covered almost half of the park, running this way and that, following some randomly designated leader of the pack to certain areas which I’m sure were out of bounds for the public. When I glanced down at the time and saw it was 10pm, I knew I was in trouble. 

Now, unfortunately, I have several hundred Pokemon in my phone and have even placed a few of my most precious ones in a gym. If I was still awake some nights, I have actually left the house in the early hours just to pick up a few more Pokeballs so I’d be properly stocked up for the next day. Very sad and very guilty. But perhaps even this can’t top the number one spot… 


“Fifty Shades of Grey”

Few subjects cause as much shame and embarrassment as a woman admitting she likes to read 50 Shades of Grey. Yes, I’ve read it more than once. Yes, I’ve read the whole trilogy. Yes, I’ve seen the movie. And no, I didn’t like the main actor like so many other countless 50 Shade readers have mentioned in the past.

I mean, surely being one of the top selling books of all time for the Kindle and the fastest selling paperback ever in the UK means something. People are still apparently buying and reading this book, right? But everybody I speak to about it absolutely and intensely hates it! I mean, is it really that bad? 

On a trip recently to Spain, whilst lying on the beach, I took a look around me and noticed all the women were reading nothing but the 50 Shades series. For once, I felt a strong sense of comradeship with them and not the usual “hide away in humiliation by wrapping the cover of another book on top of it” feel!    

This, by far, is my number one guilty pleasure and brings my list to an end. 

So that’s me laid bare and exposed for all to see. Maybe you’ll be thinking she’s a little bit of a weirdo, maybe you’ll be thinking I can relate to a lot of what she says. But as long as you had fun reading it, that’s my goal accomplished.  

So what guilty pleasures do you have and would you “dare to bare” your secrets on Steemit?

(Source: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)    






我最近对肯德基有强烈的欲望,由于它的炸鸡秘方不外传,我只能外出购买这被称为最美味的炸鸡! 我常常告诉自己要戒掉垃圾食物,但现在来说,它仍处于我的前十名之内。









被狗仔队跟踪拍照可以说是所有名人的噩梦,这些价格不菲的照片会刊登在最新杂志的封面。最糟糕的是,我喜欢阅读它们!可以窥见这些富人和名人的私生活是多么兴奋的事 啊。他们越努力保持秘密,我们就越觉得这有不可抗拒的魅力。 





我个人喜欢八十年代的音乐,虽然大部分都很老土。从Take On Me 到to Gary Numan – Cars , 我爱那那段时期的音乐和气息。当没有人在家的时候,我可以大声唱出这些经典歌曲而不必担心别人会说我不够酷。我只想迷失在纯粹的音乐空间里! 









我觉得这个可能是最多人可以理解的。结束了劳累的一天,在温暖的浴室里,有什么比唱歌更好的方式来表达你的情绪呢?最好是家里没人而且门窗紧闭的时候。 我们每个人都有不同的歌唱能力水平,如果被朋友或邻里听到,还是挺尴尬的事情。  




我收集了很多男孩乐队的歌,从后街男孩,西城男孩甚至Take That。当我做家务的时候,我喜欢放大音量,让整个房子的每一个角落都填满了音乐。所有这些伤感情歌,通俗易唱的歌词都根深蒂固藏在我的记忆中。 




舞蹈电影如Honey, Step Up 和 Footloose,虽然片里的恋爱情节有点肉麻,但片子看完都让人感觉浑身是劲,蠢蠢欲动。在这里我得坦诚一件事,就是我喜欢在周围没人的时候练习跳舞。我觉得那些电影里的舞蹈动作都很酷,有时我甚至想象自己是电影里的主角。我相信我并不是唯一有这样嗜好的人吧, 呵呵! 以前我跳舞的时候经常造成房子摇晃,东西从架子上掉下,我很庆幸至今没有打破镜子的记录!残酷的现实是,如果别人看到我的舞姿,我更可能是节目“You’ve Been Framed”的下一个受害者,而不是舞蹈电影的明日之星! 



现在终于到了我们的倒数第二项了。当我第一次看到有人抓怪兽,我就狂笑怎么会有人这么无聊跑来跑去追隐形怪兽并存储在机子的智能手机里。直到我去了离家不远的荷兰公园。 一群群年龄不一的人,为了捕捉最稀有和最强大的怪兽,在公园里寻寻觅觅。很困惑的我想知道为什么这个游戏有如此大的魅力,所以我就在手机里安装了这个游戏,剩下的我就不用多说了。 

我加入了那群人的队伍,领头的人拿着导航我们跟着。我们应该走了近一半的公园面积,一会儿跑这条路上一会儿跑那儿,我敢肯定有些地方并不是向公众开放的。当我低头看表的时候,已是晚上10点了! 现在很不幸的是,我已逮到几百个怪兽在我手机里,还留了几个最强大的在gym里作战。有时候晚上我会去附近的加球站收集多几个球(Pokeballs)以备第二天用,太内疚了! 


“五十道阴影 ”



在最近的西班牙之旅,我躺在沙滩上,环顾四周,发现所有的女人都在读五十道阴影这系列书。这一次,我与她们有强烈的共识,而不是通常在伦敦地铁里用另一本书的封面盖住这本书。   这一点,到目前为止,是我头号的内疚的快乐,并为我的名单带上了句号。 



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