They're Lucky its not Burnin'!: Around the Horn distractedly

America; we, us all of us... is the loser in last nights this election...unless we all contribute something to assist in pluralizing our nation's political parties.  From what I could watch of the debates both were equally bad: Trump not only on principle, but by his utter disdain for the procedures of debating. And he really did seem high as hell on cocaine to me. Not so much the sniffling, though that was excessive, but the nervous to predatory way he stalked Hillary around the stage like a bona fide predator.  Hillary was evasive and seemed to rely solely on the slack the mainstream media cabals have given her, and the tried and true cliche's corporatists hawks like herself have repeated for years when they think the electorate is dumb. And they do think we're dumb, which is why we have the candidates we have this 2016 presidential election.  Oh, well, more articulate critics than I who sat through the whole thing, starting with Peter Bloom over at CommonDreamsdotorg:

 "While Trump grabbed most of the media attention – perhaps for once completely unwanted – slightly under the radar was Clinton’s Wikileaks released speeches from Goldman Sachs. In them she admits her support for Wall Street and her intentional attempts to hide this from the public.  These scandals expose the moral bankruptcy of both candidates. The respective actions of Trump and Clinton should seriously challenge their legitimacy as presidential candidates. More fundamentally these revelations reveal just how morally unacceptable American democracy has become."

The Nation and most other mainstream to progressive sites declare Hilliary the winner of last night's debate; If you go by the comments sections of youtube and other media, which you really is the monopoly of hate-mongering trolls these days, Trump won by virtue of intimidation poses and one or two good comebacks. But again, their are only losers in this election: The question is how soon do we all want to be in chains to either's style of fascism. That is what both represent: Trump's style is without the doublespeak nor subtly that has been carefully crafted to disguise the mental slavery Americans have chosen to embrace.  We all knew, and now all know, Trump was there only to scare the electorate to the friendly fascists of Wall Street.

Meanwhile the corruption that universally infects all Chicago institutions has again put the whammy on community led attempts at real police reform:

And there is this:  IMHO this is the kind of "journalism" that originates from sources other than independent stewards of a free press, as was recently revealed that the pentagon spent over a half billion dollars alone on one British pr firm to create false news -- very much in the the style of us mainstream media and the bbc. Psy-ops are real. Like this. A timely piece to take attention away from the US DOJ probe of CPD and the compromises the feds have already made to the mayor and his thugs with badges. News of distraction. Why is it so many violent and armed white suspects can be apprehended with their lives but we accept it as normal when Blacks die even when unarmed and complying. A lot of folks want to give kudos to the officers for not shooting and if I am wrong than kudos to her, but my activist intuition tells me this is false propaganda.

The innocent minorities in Yemen continue to die by indiscriminate US-Saudi Led air assaults as national media remains distractive and omissive of national and global events:

Rashard Zanders hopes someday Brown v Board of Education will be taken seriously. He can be reached at

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