Self-observation: Do you practice?

Self-observation is the ability to realize and respect in our emotional state, may seem simple, but it is an exercise that requires a certain courage and an inner willingness to get closer to yourself.

It is a practice that brings many gains as from a good observation we can make better choices for our lives and the relationships we have, winning in well-being and autonomy.

Self-observation is as an exercise, when we put energy and we continue, it becomes a habit, and is presented as a daily resource that helps us face the adversities of life.

How is it on a daily basis?

The more turbulent our lives, the more the tendency to pay close attention to what is external. You have to work, take care of yourself, take care of the children, and so many other things. And the inside? Often we leave later and when constantly passed over ourselves, without realizing us, irritation and dissatisfaction are installed. We tend to annoy us with things, situations and people too much. When we design all our irritation externally it is time to stop and resume the situation, trying to find what is really ours and what is the other.

One way to relieve this irritation is practicing daily self-observation. Just as we recognize emotionally there is already a very good, it is respect yourself, a sort of self kindness for what we are.

How to exercise?

One of the suggestions is that in the morning you ask yourself: How am I today? Write and put somewhere visible, do not be afraid of the answer, meditate about it for a few minutes. Then find ways to be generous with yourself. For example, if the answer was "today I'm discouraged because I have a difficult meeting at work", how about saving a little? The idea is not to put yourself in situations that will require of you more than you can give. Rather, it is excited, happy, you can program actions that will require more from you, you will have the energy for it.

Throughout the day watch your reactions, got angry in traffic? Look for something that will bring you greater peace of mind before starting work. You are afraid? Call someone or read something that has the ability to motivate and encourage you.

In addition to self-observation, it is important to respect what we are feeling to choose situations that help us, and not vice versa. When we prioritize and in tune with what we are, we bring an important part of us to the world, understanding that is part of life changes in mood and emotions and who can deal with them in an intelligent and healthy way. Pleasing others is good, but do it legitimately when first we are right with us. Self observation is a great demonstration of friendship and reconciliation for yourself.

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