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When certainty triumphs uncertainty

Death, by far the most certain phenomenon any living being experiences. No matter how desperately you try, death will seize you when the day comes. And you cannot specify the time you are subjected to this ultimate doom. It comes on its own, even when you are having the best time in your life, even in a perfect health condition. Such is its uncertainty.

Today, the news of an acquaintance's death made me write this. We didn't exchange many words yet he had all the blessings I have to offer, for that he was a jolly good fella. A charming character with dreams to live for another many moons. But now, he is all but with his lifeless body wrapped in a white cloth. While I am writing this in my cosy winter outfit, he is stilled by the heartless death. A boy in his teenage years is being prepared for his last journey on this colourful world.

Death at this young age is never expected, nor is this fair. But who is to hear his appeal, who is to put him back to life. He, who has decided to take him away did this not to allow him to breathe the air. And none can interfere with His decisions. Death is evident, there is nothing more normal than this but sometimes it's hard to digest. At least not when he is supposed to spend time with his parents, family and friends.

Now we all are looking at his fallen body, reminiscing the good times we had together and wondering why he left us so soon. What was his urgency to leave us for eternity? Can't he be with us to share warm foods at dinner or a cup of coffee, perhaps? Poor boy! Gone too soon.

But nobody ever thought of his early departure. Not even this afternoon when he went to play football with his friends. Nobody knew he will leave us all right at the football field with no sign of sickness. It's His will and we don't have anything to do against — because we know He has the best plan for everyone. And after a few hours he will be left at His mercy in the graveyard to rot underneath the dirt, away from his family.

Such an unfortunate yet certain situation we all face, today or tomorrow. Let the Almighty give strength to his family to bear the loss. Ameen!
