Busy As A Bee Around The Holidays?

Hi Steemians!

How are you all doing? Can you feel the Christmas spirit yet?

In the Philippines we don't have snow, so the only time you'll know Christmas is near, is when you see Christmas lights and decors everywhere, also when you hear the Christmas music.


This week, I have been busy helping my sister and her friend picking out some decors for their client who will be having a civil wedding two weeks from now. They just started their small business about a month ago, and hopefully they'll get more clients soon.

Christmas is just around the corner and I don't even I have a Christmas tree set up! Can you still call it Christmas without the Christmas tree? 🙁


But wait!... At least I have some Christmas lights, hahaha!

I gave all my Christmas decors to my mom except the Xma tree, I gave to my friend's family, @bonjovey when we moved to our new place two years ago and I don't really feel like spending more money to buy new decors except the lights.

Although, am thinking of putting a balloon garland after our Zumba party. I bought some balloons today to use for the decors for our Zumba Christmas party this Friday. Hopefully @bellatravelph can join us, it was fun to have her last week's Zumba, plus karaoke and food trip that day!



Anways, I went to the mall today to buy some things to use for the party decors but I don't have a fishing line. None of the stores I went to have i and there's only two places at the mall that usually sells it, *sigh!

Has anyone made a balloon garland before? Is there any alternative to fishing line to tie the balloon? Do you have any tips to share?

I hope you are having a wonderful week!


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