A day in the life, of different times.

This is a story by Warlokk, and happened to him. With his permission I bring it to you, raw, with slight grammar edits, just because I had to.

The following occurred on July 20th 2k16

Random older guy pulls up next to me in his pickup truck while I'm waiting to cross the street corner:

"Hey! Fuck you!"

(Warlokk) - "Do I know you?"

"No, but fuck you, your ugly ass style, fuck your blue hair, and your goofy ass face too"

  • "Brilliant m8, is this how you always make friends?"

"It just pisses me off that you can look like that and be ok with everything!! Why do you wake up everyday and decide you wanna be a fucking peacock looking ass bitch?!!"

  • "haha, because I wouldn't be me otherwise. Sorry you have trouble with my image, but I don't hate you for expressing yourself."

"Why don't you fucking act like an American and respect our countries purity in how a MAN should carry himself? I hate the way you look, I despise you and everything you stand for!!"

(This guy is litterly spitting out his car window in anger at this point)

  • ".....Your insecurities are showing;
    Hate me cuz you ain't me."

This man gets so upset he throws his car in park at the stoplight, tells me he's "coming to beat my ass" all while the light has just turned green.

As he gets out of his driver side door and slams it shut I simultaneously open his passenger side, hit the door lock button inside, and jump on my board.

I'm halfway across the street watching him glare at me as he stands in front of his truck, huffing & puffing.

The traffic line behind him starts to roar in car horns and a few shouts, now that he is blocking the stoplight and flow of traffic. I stand on the other side of the street, watching as he struggles to open his car door.

Realizing I had just locked him out of his truck while the engine is on and parked in the middle of a busy intersection, his piercing eyes come to meet mine again. As we stare across the waves of heat rising from the black pavement I see his mouth open again as he screams the two words one more time, "fuck you" drool flying in the air, even visible from where I was standing.

I gave him a polite wave and a smile, then cruised away on my longboard with my cold coconut water in hand, giggling like a little girl.

Moral of my story:

There are some closed-minded fools out in this world. Don't let any of em tell you to not be yourself.

Sorry about the traffic jam I caused...I guess. instagram@thewarlokk
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