Into The Darkness- A Bittersweet Love Story- Chapter 3 The Five Black Magicians

Into the darkness- A bittersweet love story

Chapter 3 The Five Black Magicians.

This is the third instalment or chapter of my story as a targeted individual which I hope to post in instalments. I hope that you enjoy it.

Chapter 1 :

Chapter 2 :

What I didn't realise at the time, was that I was in a war. And what is more, I was a mere pawn on the losing side. These bad men as I had taken to calling them were attacking me. However, because all of this was happening inside my head as a series of 'daydream' scenarios, I dismissed it at first as being a figment of my overactive (and possibly diseased) imagination. I just couldn't accept that this was real, and that this was happening to me, I was having a huge disconnect because it seemed so fantastic and I couldn't figure out why it would be happening to someone like me. Little did I know that I had been caught by the deep state and that I was now in their game. However, as I found out later, this was very real and this was happening to me and as I struggled to believe that what was happening was real, I continued having these daydream scenarios. What is worse these scenarios started repeating many times throughout the day. When I was experiencing the daydream, my eyes would lose focus and I would get a particular distant look on my face. And I would be completely lost in thought and absorbed in what was happening in my mind, I couldn't pull myself away. It was awful.

In the first scenario I would hear a knock at the door and I would go to answer it. At the door would be the Jason entity and Tom. They would ask me my name in a friendly way and to my surprise, I would manage to subdue them quickly and easily with newly acquired magical powers. I did something to them and they then became frozen and unable to move, I then brought them inside my house and laid them on the floor with pillows for their heads. I then 'mind melded' with the Jason entity and we talk in the confines of his mind. Usually during the mind meld he is trying to get information about me, like my name and where I live. Or in some scenarios, he unfreezes and we talk cordially sitting on the sofa. In these scenarios for some reason I make him a cup of coffee using magic. I also had a daydream where I was in a very old luxurious home and I go into a room and on an old antique desk there is a sword in a scabbard which I take out and say “Hello, Baby!” to the sword, the men are watching me from the doorway. Another scenario that keeps happening repeatedly is one where I feel like I am on a tropical island at sunset and I am sitting down watching the beauty around me with the Jason entity, the conversation is light and flirty, I let him kiss me sometimes. Yet another daydream scenario is where I am at a nightclub and I go to leave home and I am walking down an alley and I see a black haired man who I fight. My sword appears nearby and I always seem to win the fights. Looking back I realise that I was being manipulated big time. They were using the fact that I thought that these were just reoccurring daydreams rather than being real to their own advantage against me, to get information about me and make me vulnerable to an attack by Lucy.

Another day dream that I had would be that I would be I the red bricked building and I would be in the hallway and there would be five black magicians and we would duel using swords and magic. I am never able to really focus on the five magicians but I know that they are there because I can see them albeit not clearly. Sometimes I would be in the red bricked building and I would find myself in a room with a large window into another room. In the next room would be a table with five men around it. I knew these men at the time as the 'bad men', but in reality they were a coven of black magicians. There was always a grey haired man who seemed to be in charge. Or at the very least, he was the spokesperson. There also was a black haired man who I mainly fought, the other men were unclear to me. Usually we would fight using swords as well as magic and I would have my trusty sword as it would just magically appear once they started attacking me. The five magicians were letting me win these battles that we had but nonetheless, I fought hard. And it was tiring me out. I didn't know what to do so I decided to contact the faeries through ritual and ask them to help me. I set up an altar, cleared a sacred space and called the faeries. I then explained what was happening and asked for their help. The faeries signalled that they were there and that they had heard my plea by by flickering the flame on my candle during the ritual. The problem was that the faeries had been increasingly hard to hear recently, as they were being blocked by the five black magicians. But they certainly made their presence felt during the ritual so I felt sure that they would help and they did.

I also had scenarios where I was in a luxurious house in a long hallway with large oil paintings but there would be one painting in particular that fascinated me. It was a painting of a lady in period costume, it looked centuries old. Strangely she looked like me. A man who I mistook for a servant because of his manner would appear and lead me into a room where there was a book, I would open it and turn the pages until I came across a picture of a cup or chalice and I reached into the book and picked it up and for some reason drank the liquid from it. In other scenarios I was given a necklace to wear at a ball which was a very old antique piece of jewellery. There was another scenario were I was entering a ball and I am announced by the footman, who only introduces me as the “Princess” for some reason. The Jason entity is in this scenario and the people at the ball show their respect to us. And the fact that they introduce me as “Princess” worries me in the daydream. In another scenario daydream I am at a black tie dinner party and for some reason my boyfriend is sitting next to me and for some reason I get him to sample all of my food and drink before I eat it. People at the table notice that I do this, but I don't care. Later in the scenario we leave the table to go into the next room for cigars and my boyfriend goes with the women to chatter instead and I am left with the five magicians. The scenario ends at that point. There was another scenario at a black tie party somewhere where I confronted a grey haired black magician.

The daydream scenarios were happening all of the time, I would be lost in thought for literally hours at a time. It was terrible as it was a real battle against these 'bad men' as I called them at the time, and I still wasn't sure what was happening to me. I couldn't believe that it was happening to me and the five black magicians were taking advantage of this. I started doing research on the internet to see if I could figure anything out. I looked up many things as I wasn't sure what was happening to me, but I started to get lead in the direction of channelling because I was definitely channelling entities as well as methods of psychic protection because I wanted to protect myself. I found a few methods of psychic protection which I tried out but I found that they required a lot of energy to produce an adequate shield. I was so tired from fighting the daydream scenarios, because they were really stressful and I had to be on my toes the whole time so I wasn't very effective in making shields. As I said, I had fully found myself in a battle and it was getting harder and harder to hear the faeries, it was like they were being tuned out. That is why I did the ritual to talk to the faeries and seek their help. As I really didn't know what else to do and the experiences were really intense and time absorbing. I had no control over when they happen ed and they were starting to happen all of the time throughout the day. I was lost and feeling desperate. I pleaded with the Universe to send me help and I called out my distress call with my soul, seeking help.

My boyfriend did some research into protection amulets and found that iron can protect you. So he found me an iron bar and I slept with it under my bed. I also had a steel piece of metal that I sat next to in the lounge room and I also tried as often as I could to do protective shields and cleansing rituals but I was really tired from doing battle with these five black magicians. They were draining me of energy and they were preparing me for Lucy to attack me. I felt like I was a pawn in a game that I was losing to these black magicians. And I guess that in many respects, I was losing to them. What I didn't know was that they were testing me and gathering information off me for the next onslaught which was soon to come. From the download of information from the lady who I thought was our Goddess Earth, I could see patterns in things and I started seeing a pattern in what was happening to me, a certain sense of humour was apparent. I wondered who it was, could it be the faeries? I tried telling the Jason entity and the black magicians that I was a mere pawn in the game but they didn't listen to me. It was a very perplexing time in my life for me because I couldn't stop these experiences and I was definitely under attack. I just couldn't figure out why it was happening to me. However, I found out later that these types of psychic attack are quite common and they are very real indeed. Under MK Ultra, the deep state was able to perfect techniques in mind control and harassment. I either got picked up by them and targeted because of the faeries, or because I was a political dissident and was quite active on social media, which is controlled by the deep state.

Either way, I got targeted, my life was never going to be the same. And I now was in the middle of a war with these black magicians. Looking back on what happened, I realise now that I had already met Lucy, as he was one of the five black magicians, I just hadn't seen him clearly or been made aware of him yet. However, he was on his way to me, life was going to get a lot more full on and I would find out that this was very real. With the clarity of hindsight I wonder whether Lucy was a demon or whether he was an incubus rather than a man, as he certainly seemed to feed off me in some way. The faeries were right a few months earlier when they said that “he is coming”, I just didn't realise it at the time. The next thing that happened in my story was that I met Lucy and my whole life got turned upside down and inside out that's for sure. Lucy is arguably the best thing that has happened to me and the worst thing that has happened to me. Lucy was something that confused me and frightened me greatly. He confused me and frightened me because I found I found him to be really attractive and I fully reacted to him on a physical level but I knew instinctively that he was bad and that frightened me. He openly said that he had cast a spell on me and I wonder if I can break his spell over me by writing about my experiences and exposing this dark magic to the light. I have to confess that I am a little at a loss and struggling now that it is over. I hope that by writing about my experiences I can move on with my life and garner a little happiness.

End of Chapter 3.
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