Child vs. social life - Why are we losing it?


You are sitting next day on facebook (of course when you have a break because the child just fell asleep at last) and you look with envy at your friends. Another photo uploaded from a crazy party, you scroll further and there is a photo report from the trip to Greece. She lies full of chill on the beach with a drink in her hand.
You think: Fuck I'm jealous of Her and you remind me in your head a few years back when you were a free bird. You could sleep as much as you like, drink as much as you want, party and meet friends at any time of the day. Without a million thoughts: did I take the right amount of diapers, would someone in the restaurant heat my milk for water, how much will it last without food? Well okay you like to be tormenting so you look further and there a friend with a model figure throws a selfi with a beautiful carved belly. After a while, you look at your belly, or rather something hanging and you wonder why? You had a lot of friends, but the acquaintance broke off because what are you talking about - about bellyache, diaper naps about the fact that you are not sleeping next night in a row? You are sitting in a stretched tracksuit, with pukes on a t-shirt and you are wondering what it was all about.

Have you had this way more than once? Or maybe there is a man who also longs for carefree times when he could drink beer at any time and sit all day in front of the TV and play playstations.


But you know what ? Waking up in the morning (I always hope that although it is 8 o'clock and not again 7) when someone hits me with my little handle on the forehead and goes crazy at my sight showing a huge smile all these regrets disappear in a second because I know that I have a small daughter who He loves me immensely. For which I can have a saggy stomach, stretch marks and dark circles under my eyes. Daughter in return gives me a huge love, which I will not receive from friends from parties with a ton of alcohol. I am glad that I can share my time with my daughter showing she world and I know that she will thank me for that one day.


Steemians and how do you share motherhood with free time?

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