Story Time- What should be its moral?


My Steemit Friends,

Today I was pleased with a story on the web which I would like to share with you all.


There were two independent houses ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿก separated by a compound wall. In one live a young techie ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ป and in another an elderly, retired man ๐Ÿ‘ด.

Both of them planted identical saplings on their respective side of the wall. The young guy supplied his plant with a lot of water and high-quality manure. The retired man, however, gave his plant just a small quantity of water and a little manure. The techie's sapling grew into a lush green, leafy, robust plant. The retired person's plant was near normal but much luxuriant than his neighbour's plant.

One night there was a heavy rain with gusty winds.

The next morning both came out to see the fate of their plants.
To the techie's surprise, his plant had been uprooted whereas his neighbour's plant was unharmed.

The techie turned to the neighbour and asked, "why was my plant uprooted by the rains despite such a good care, whereas yours stayed firm and strong despite just a little care?"
The neighbour answered, "look, young man, you supplied everything the plant would need, in abundance." Since the plant did not have to do anything on its own to search for what it needed, the roots of your plant haven't gone deep down. I have been supplying my plant just enough to keep it alive. For the rest roots had no choice but to go deep down into the ground to fulfil its needs. Since the roots of your plant were superficial the rain and wind could easily fell it down. Since the roots of my plant were deeply grounded it could easily withstand this onslaught of nature.

Isn't that story similar to our lives?

Can anyone guess? ๐Ÿค”


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