I love you all. Yes, you. Separation, scarcity, fear, anger, conflict, is not real.

(Note: I wrote this on July 16th, after hearing about an attempted coup, in Turkey. I think you may enjoy it too.)

Just in few days I was exposed to the news of, one shooter killing cops, one driver running over people in france, and then, an unsuccessful military coup in Turkey.

All events are pushed in such a way to incite fear, anger, division in your psyche.

My friends, stay calm. This is not a time for more fear. More anger. More us-vs-them, we against enemy thinking.

We have to rise above our fears. Our angers. Our divisions.

I want to tell you this much: I love you all. I don't care if you are black or white, yellow or red, brown or blue or whatever.. I don't care if you are a cop or soldier or citizen. I don't care if you are Turkish or Kurdish or Muslim or Christian. A man or a woman. Or whatever other labels you may identify yourselves with.

I love you. All of you. Yes, including you individually.

If you are in fear or anger, out of any event in the media, I want to suggest to you, that you look at your feelings more deeply. More completely.

I want you to look into and face your own worst fears, angers, and hates and all those negative feelings. Look at them head on. Observe. Watch. Learn.

What do they feel like in your body? Where do they come from? What happens when you look at them directly, as short as 5-10 minutes, without escaping from them? And more importantly, what can you learn from them? What are they trying to tell you? About yourself, this world, and your relationship to it?

The more I look into and meditate upon my own feelings, the more I realize, there is no such thing as separation, "us vs them". We are all human beings living on one blue planet that we call earth. We are all human beings with similar bodies, feelings, brains, hopes and aspirations. We are all the same. %0.1 that divides us is so insignificant compared to the %99.9 that we all share, that is all common to each and every one of us. That connects and binds us.
Focus on that connection. Focus on being human. In each human's heart, there is a place that only wants to love and be loved. Connect that part. That connection is lost when you bury your heart deep in fear, anger, hatred, us-vs-them scarcity conflict thinking.

You cannot have divisive us-vs-them thinking out in society, without being divided and in self-conflict inside. You cannot have scarcity thinking, without depriving your self out of flow of abundance in your life.

There is no enemy. There is no other. There is no separation. There is no scarcity. What you do to others, you do onto your self. You cannot hate another without hating yourself. You cannot fear another without fearing, in part, from your self.

Love yourself. Know yourself. Know that you are connected to each and every human being and living thing on this planet. Love them all.

Be forgiving and be forgiven. Be caring, and you'll be cared for. Be loving and you'll be loved.

This is not a time for more fear, more anger, more division, more conflict. This is a time for more love, more connection, and a time to rise above our fears.

We all came to this earth naked, we will all leave this earth naked. We are all born into this life. We will all die and leave this life. There is no gain, no loss, nothing to fear, all is an illusion. Glass is already broken.

The only thing remains after our bodies turn into compost is, what's done with love. Do one loving kind act today. Tell someone you love them. That you care. Make one person smile. Help someone solve one problem.

I love you all. May we all be safe and blessed with love. May we all have the wisdom to rise above fears, divisions, conflicts. May we all learn our lessons well. May we all live in love, peace, harmony and abundance.


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