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Boards and wheels, two or four...Sport Hobies...Kiterfing, Snowboarding, Longboarding and Motorbike... :)


When I first time was invited to go snowboarding I thought.... NO WAY.....snow holidays are definitely not for me... I love sun and only SUN.... 7 years in the row I cannot stop doing that and I can strongly say it is my hobby!!

After realising how much I love snowboarding, I started looking for other extreme sports and the second hobby became Kitesurfing/wakeboarding...


Kitesurfing disconnects me from everything and let me enjoy myself ;) it is just awesome! I wish I could explain the feeling when you forget about everything else and feel completely happy... when you just smile inside....when you feel the freedom, exhilaration, and oneness with nature....

Boards and wheels....two or four...water or snow.... or land....all Hobbies...Sport Hobbies...


Sport hobbies... helps making lots of friends within the sport, meeting new people, getting healthier, travelling more, getting to know new cultures and enjoying life to the fullest.

Obviously, it's not easy but I imagine someone who practices extreme sports is someone that is determined and willing to work hard.
In the end, all of the things on my list have one single goal: HAPPINESS....
