What I learned today

I learnt you need to build the future starting from your youth so I have to quit doing what's just going to be useful for my presence age, I need to build my future so I enrol in a course training

Our computers didn't work today, both desktop and laptop, the virus was passed to the desktop and through connections the laptops to contacted in it so the works abnormally and we couldn't practice anything today but my trainer did something that I don't need a computer engineer to do it for me again; he noticed a key has been pressed which make the laptop work so slow so he took a screw driver and loose at the back of the computer and then raised the keyboard up with the same screw driver

Something like that happened to my computer that I had to contact engineer before it's done but now I can do it myself so today is not a waste day for me, i learned something new

Did you too learn anything today?

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