Tough January


Overtime we've known January to be one of the toughest month. Naturally it tends to be longer than the rest of the months. I have come to notice that January has the longest days and night all together. Time crawls and seem not to move.

There is this Financial constraints experienced in January as a result of the luxurious spending accrued during the Christmas period. A period we want to celebrate in our yearly achievement in grand style. Salary earners, independent business owners, small scale business tend to suffer more from this tough period as budget are cut drastically to make ends meet.

In Africa especially Nigeria with the rate at which government owes civil servants has made it an enduring moment for all. Even the petty trader by the roadside is affected.

Funny enough even the Cryptospace is not left out as we experienced series of red labelled market trends some couple of weeks.

Indeed January is a defining month and moment for the year. How have you planned out your year with your experience in January?

As the month of January gradually comes to an end we can't but thank God for the grace to pull through and have faith that February has great things in stock for us especially in the Cryptospace.

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