The Demented Political Circus in the United States Continues.

We are all affected by what is taking place in the United States of America. 

The whole world is looking on in horror as the Megalomaniacs who control the world,

prop up their puppet candidates in front of us using their propaganda machine, the main stream media. All of humanity is affected by what is happening in the United States of America.

I am scared for us all.

I am trying to be strong and KNOW that all is well.

I am focusing on the idea that we are here to evolve and experience the contrast and the play out the "Hero's Journey".

But then I become mesmerized and pulled in by the matrix  and I am anxious all over again.

The whole world is suffering along with the American people as these uncaring Entities, who brandish their self proclaimed right to rule us, like a weapon. 

The system is working exactly as they intended.

They designed it, many years in the making, with their secret meetings on their islands of debauchery (see Jekyll Island). 

They have lost their humanity, It is clear to me now that they are a break-away society and they are using us as their slaves, to manage the mundane aspects of their life. 

Can this all really be happening? (it can no longer be called a conspiracy, its real.)

Is this just a nightmare and I will wake up soon?

The Child inside of me asks

 "Where are all the adults during this devestating debacle, isn't someone going to straighten this mess out?"

Is it true that those who try are murdered and terrorized and silenced?

Can we organize ourselves and overtake them? Is it too late? Are we doomed?

Is there an Alliance of Intelligent people "out there" working towards the extraction of these inhumane infiltrators that call themselves our leaders?

The Next President

If Trump becomes President, we are screwed. If Hillary becomes president, we are screwed. If Obama stays in power for a third term because of a some false flag event, manifested by the C.I.A, then we are Screwed. What I am saying is that whomever the Megalomaniacs select to be the leader of the United States of America, we are screwed, anyone who is chosen as a leader in THIS system will only further the Megalomaniacs agenda!

What are our options? We are so divided amongst ourselves, we fight about everything. 

Divide and conquer has worked well for them hasn't it?

Have I taken a crazy pill?

I am only one person, what can I do?

Add to the craziness with my fears and share it with my fellow humans?

Or maybe I can go "within" and create a sense of grounding for myself, connect with like-minded people and create a positive energy, spreading love and hope while telling the truth. 

I am seeking those who are awakened.

 I am searching for a safe haven to speak of solutions and ideas to create a world based in Love and compassion and CREATION. (Thank you Steemit for being there for me now.)

Last night I watched a video clip on youtube by JOYCAMP called "Debate Highlights- DELETED SCENES- 3rd PARTY CANDIDATE!! 

This group of young men who call themselves JoyCamp, (from George Orwell's Book 1984) are incredibly brilliant, gutsy and comedic as they spread Important information out to those who have eyes to see and ears to listen. Adding to the ranks of George Carlin, Bill Hicks, Steve Hughes, Chris Rock and of course Lenny Bruce.

We are running out of time, we need to Organize and find solutions outside the system created to suppress and control us, and maybe even (dare I say) annihilate many of us. I want to add my voice and my talents to raising Humanities frequency.

 The signs are becoming clearer and clearer.

Hasn't all of this become self-evident to all of us, or are we too scared to say anything online in case someone is watching/reading?

I refuse to live in that kind of world. 

I will not comply with their agenda. I want to help myself and my fellow human beings towards total freedom. This is my sole purpose...I have no other agenda. 

Thank you for taking the time to listen.

Phot0 sources:

*first photo credit:*second photo credit to Getty Images from the Dakota Pipeline  *third photo unknown

Video credit: to Joycamp


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