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#3 - Rest - How to be fit and not die trying?

Pals! Nachinsen once again here. Today, writing the last, but not least part of my personal guide for healthy & fit lifestyle. In case you've missed the last posts, here are the links for them:

Part 1: 

Part 2:

Food and training maybe are the most common issues all of us care about when we decide to look after our health and fitness state. But in many cases, an important matter is left behind. Any of these ones won't be effective unless we got enough Rest. 

Why it is important?

Sleeping covers many functions. In terms of fitness, there are 3 main purposes covered by it:

  1. Muscle and tissue repair --> human growth hormone is released while sleeping. The math is simple: not enough sleep, not muscle
  2. Energy consumption is lowered --> in order to have reserves for your next training session
  3. Recharging the brain --> I feel pretty identified with this one. Having a good night sleep guarantees mental alertness during my day, keeps me motivated (as i don't feel like a walking dead haha) and my muscles OK for another session

Some tips for getting a good night sleep

From my personal experience:

  • Take a warm bath: this will relax your body 
  • Avoid training during late evening: if this is the case, your blood will still be running at a face pace, making it harder to reach sleep
  • Avoid watching TV in bed: Lights will trick your brain and your alertness levels will increase too. Try with a book (kindle for the geek ones ;) 
  • Sleep 7-8 hours: so that your general well being is guaranteed

In conclusion my friends, this is the end of my very first thread in Steemit. I find the platform really useful and great, after my first "trial" month. Hope you find the content useful! Comments are welcome. 

If you guys would like me to write more about this subjects, or any one in particular, please let me know! I'll really appreciate it. 
