It causes suicides, it takes all the attention in the country. Be hold China's University Entrance Exam GAOKAO

Lets check out the exam that decides life of millions of chinese students every year.

Gaokao is the university entrance exam in china.

This exam effects all students education life and future opportunities. People beleives that those who be succesful in this exam have the best career and even best marraige.

Competition at university entrance is incredibly hard. Only 1 in every 50 thousand students has the chance of entering to university.

it is so important that factories are closed and police vehicles patrols on the streets.

Ambulances are waiting in front of the school for possible nervous breakdowns of students..

The exam has different types of questions both multiple-choice and  classical.

Let's look at one of the multiple choice questions.

The answer is B by the way.

Gaokao is frequently criticized because of its level of difficulty and its effect on students life to create incredible pressures on young people.

There are suicide cases in every exam period.

It was against the copy, the Chinese had taken the business a little further.

There has been a war against all methods of copying. In fact, the drone's in the corridors. Those who are caught while making a copy can be sentenced to up to 7 years in prison.

It's really hard to be a student in China o_o

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