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Life Lesson From "Into The Wild", Do Things Give a Meaning To our Lives? What's Beyond Our Dreams and Goals!?

First of all Don’t Confuse Dreams and Goals

Dreams are something you are just thinking about,You have act upon those thoughts otherwise they would still meaningless "Dreams can inspire you, but goals can change your life."

we all have dreams but these dreams by themselves mean nothing they're just dreams they don't produce results or influence our lives. we need to turn our dreams into goals and organize them into a plan to clear our vision and turn our goals into action because dreams just take place in our minds but goals affect our reality.dreams are imaginary, endless and free on the other hand goals based on reality, have a cost and have deadlines so if you want something go get it. don't wait for it to be given to you. no one will bring it for you if you didn't ask for it. Some people tend to dream about something forever that's truly pathetic

Am always wondering why many of us don't follow their dreams! don't believe that they capable of doing incredible things!! they always looking for excuses and surely they found many. if they look for chances and ways they 'll find many opportunities waiting for the right ones. You'll see what you're focusing on. If you only dream to get rich then there is no purpose and no value to your dream.

Our lifetime goals shouldn't be materialistic and dependent on things

Do you remember "Christopher " from the movie "into the wild" he was young intelligent man who has everything going for him. he has graduated and the bright future a head of him he did something totally unexpected. he escaped from this awful world  he get rid of everything he owned. his dream of being free in the wild  Christopher was not comfortable following the usual terrible life system includes a stable career and a family life. he did what most of didn't do. we see many of people just dream about getting a job or married a beautiful girl. They live in a box where no adventures no challenges they exit life and nobody even heard about them as if they wouldn't exist. They're nothing but a number on an ID and then they give birth so they add some numbers and that's it They did nothing more in their lifetime. 

If we go through our lives without purpose then where we going!! what is the value of our lives? what is the moral beyond life? Why many billionaires commit suicide! If it's all about things and money and we found people who had all these things and want to die!!

 here's the point many people don't realize that until they have shitload of money then they start to recognize those things that money couldn't buy , they tend to think "what a fool am I used to be" , there are lots of precious things in our lives that money can't even deal with am not going to mention them. 

Is it a human fallacy to live inside a box!! why we limit ourselves too much?

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