Bike Build & Lot Sesh!


So much to update on! Exciting news on the bike build!This pic is from last year of my f4i and me at work downtown Minneapolis. She looks much different now!

Was able to get the sprocket kit installed and the chain! The reason you want to change your gearing is to make the bike slower for nice slow idle wheelies. Right now I am at 15 in the front and 55 in the rear. Eventually people move to 14/60 but I am not ready.

Then we straightened out my handle bars. This makes it easier to keep the front wheel straight when you bring the front tire off the ground.

We also then placed the dog bone to bring the bike back to stock height. The picture is of the old dog bone which helped lower my bike. You don't want your bike low when it comes to stunting because it changes the geometry of the bike. Learning on a lower bike actually prevented me from becoming a better rider. Also, the individual who lowered my bike really didn't know what they were doing.


This last Sunday I was invited out to the lot. My baby looked pretty sexy out there! My friend R1 was teaching me the staggered position and to dump the clutch. I am taking baby steps to get to balance point.

Here is Kyle doing a balance point wheelie! He has been stunting for a long time and he is very confident. He still crashes and just keeps going. He told me even missing a few days can make you off on riding. So this week I really want to find a lot that I can practice at daily. The lot they go to is only weekly and it is 30min one way. I am not driving my bike down so I would like to find a closer one to exert less energy.

My wheelies are inconsistent he got a video of me popping a few baby wheelies. The video is on my FB just not sure how to download it. The first day really me learning to hold staggered position as I mentioned earlier. Which is my right foot covering my rear brake and crouching over my bike with my left foot on the passenger peg instead of by my shifter. Also, learning to "dump the clutch" which really is just letting it out and giving it gas immediately. Essentially everything I do at a stop light once it turns green but exaggerated. So hopefully more sessions will get more photos and videos to post!
It honestly felt amazing even though I barely got much of my front tire off the ground. I finally am making an old dream come true of learning to stunt my bike. If I even just get close to balance point before season ends I will be happy. Then I can retry in the spring

Can't wait to post my next stuff which will be my new clutch lever install and possible 2nd idle mod and clean air mod on my bike.

Much Love Steemers! xoxo 

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