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There should be a delicate balance between Freedom and control

Have you heard that people are craving for Freedom and the governments are taking measures to Control them? Definitely, it is an important part of both the mainstream electronic and social media narrative.
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Both of the two words “Freedom” and “Control” resonate in our homes, cafes, shops, educational institutes and most importantly in our minds. Some people say that there should be absolute freedom for everyone to do whatever he/she wants while those at the top slots holding the reigns think that there should be complete control of the superiors over their inferiors.

So, what should be the way forward? I think there should be a delicate balance between Freedom and Control. The controlling authorities should not have the powers to curb others’ freedom whereas freedom should also lead to unrest and fragility in the society.

Let’s start with a very basic phenomenon which is observed by all of us and that is the growth of a child. What could be the result if the parents are too much strict on the kid? The result would obviously be a “distorted personality” of that kid. The kid would be suffering from inferiority complex and other such problems in the future.

Now in contrast, if we give the same kid an uncontrolled freedom. What could be the result then? The result of uncontrolled freedom will be a disastrous one too. The kid from the very start will start indulging in different habits by being in a wrong company and these habits will eventually make a permanent footprint on his mind.

Now let’s fit the electronic media into this mold. If the electronic media controlled is by the government. It would definitely hide certain facts which go against the government and ultimately people will suffer. Now if the electronic media was allowed to cover every type of place and situations with free without taking precautionary measures. It will definitely not hesitate to do us because they want to make money.

A few days ago, I was watching a live telecast of a battle between militants and soldiers and the media personnel was there to cover the story. The absolute freedom allowed to be there without caring for the serious situation the security forces were facing. Another time I saw some media persons covering stories by jumping into the homes of people. All of these cases are really the drawbacks of the uncontrolled freedom they have got.

So what could be the delicate line? The delicate line would be to have freedom with controls. The parents should keep a check on their kids but should not limit their scope. Similarly, the governments should have some regulatory controls over media but should not prevent it from covering real issues.

To sum up the whole discussion, I would write the famous saying, “There is no freedom without control”.
