My Brother could use some help Steemit!


Hey Steemians. My brother got some terrible news today, and I am hoping you all can help out. If any of you saw my post on Wednesday, (un)Happy Birthday, you know that he had a pretty bad end to his day. He blew a tire on his car and his exhaust fell off after he hit a big pothole while swerving to avoid a racoon...

The news got worse today. It turns out the rim is bent and the tire cannot be repaired. Worst of all though, it turns out that it wasn't just his exhaust pipe that broke, the whole entire catalytic converter was shreaded and cost for the repairs over $1100!!!

He has just started a new job a couple months back and has been living with my wife and I to save up money for his own place, but now all of his savings has to go towards fixing his car. I am hoping I can get this post some exposure and then pass on the payout to him to help him pay for the repairs. The car is the only way for him to get to and from work. Any upvotes you can spare will be greatly appreciated. I will post proof that the payout is passed on to him after the 7 days are up, and the cost of the repairs, just to make sure there is no funny business going on.

Thanks again Steemians for being so amazing and making this place great; and thank you to anyone that is able to spare an upvote to help out this awesome guy!


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