What Would You Do if There Was a Zombie Apocalypse?

 Zombies! What is our fascination with them!? Why do zombies do so well in the movie and gaming industry? What is it about zombies that makes them so appealing? They're basically just dead people that want to eat your brains right? I mean, in most zombie films that's what they want to do is just eat you and if you get bitten by one you turn into a zombie yourself!

But for some reason, we've adopted zombies into our lives both into the lives of young and old people alike. From PG Zombies Vs Plants for kids to 18+ Call of Duty Zombies  for grown ups. From zombie shows to zombie tea cosies to zombie gnomes!  (yes have you seen them?) You name it, we've turned it into a zombie.  We've anthropomorphized them! We've adopted them into our lives, we've turned them into pets and playthings. We've made them a part of the furniture!

But zombies are only make believe right? I mean, once you're dead, you're dead! There's no coming back from that. That's why they call it being dead lol. So there could never be a zombie apocalypse like you see in the movies! Could there?

Not to try and scare you or anything.
But  some people say that one day, when hell gets full up and there's no  longer any room left for anyone else the dead will walk the earth  instead. But I think I even heard that in a movie once! However there  are some people that say that it says some things in the Bible that  could be talking about zombies roaming the earth!

Some examples include.

  • Zechariah 14:12  And the LORD will send a plague on all the nations that fought against  Jerusalem. Their people will become like walking corpses, their flesh  rotting away. Their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues  will rot in their mouths. On that day they will be terrified, stricken  by the LORD with great panic. They will fight their neighbors hand to  hand.
  • Ezekiel 37:7  So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a  noise, and behold, a rattling; and the bones came together, bone to its  bone. 8And I looked, and behold, sinews were on them, and flesh grew and  skin covered them; but there was no breath in them.…
  • Isaiah 26:19-20 - Thy dead [men] shall live, [together with] my dead body shall they arise.
  • Revelation 20:13,14 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them:
  • Revelation 9:6 And in those days people will seek death and will not find it. They will long to die, but death will flee from them.

Plus there's more. Just Google Zombies Bible Quotes  to find more study on the matter. Some people even go as far as saying  that according to Zechariah 14:12 it definitely means that one day that  literal zombie like people will once walk the earth and there will be a  zombie apocalypse like seen in the movies!

Sounds like pretty fun stuff right!? LOL

Some  people actually believe in it so much so that they've built underground  bunkers in their back yard or something and kited it out with enough  supplies to last a nuclear winter. Although a nuclear winter could last  anywhere from 10-100 years.

Most people call these type of people fanatical lunatics and borderline insane. But what "if" they're right? What if there "is" a zombie apocalypse one day? Who will be laughing then?

I  know this is a strange discussion but come on you can't deny. The world  does seem to have a very healthy obsession with zombies don't you  think!? I know I do lol..

I guess the game and movie industry LOVE zombies! LOL

What is it about Zombies that we find so adorable and entertaining?

Why  are they so much fun to play with and put ourselves into precarious  positions with in zombie games? Have you seen the latest zombie game  they're working on? Here's a demo of it. It starts off slow but just  gets insane! What is it about games like this that we love to play so  much that makes them such great game and movie sellers!?
Warning: May Contain Content Not Suitable for Children.

Please  note. This is not a serious post. I'm just having a fun poke at one of  the worlds things. Remember, there is always some impending doom of some  sort in the news. But I believe that it's very important to maintain a  sense of humor at the end of the day!

I mean come on! Who doesn't want one of these in their back garden!?

Or this one for the night time.

Okay that one is a bit far out. But I guarantee there's some people here that would like it and it sells like hot cross buns!

Oh and there's another phenomenon of smombies. What are smombies? Smartphone Zombies! They walk along staring at their smartphone oblivious to their surroundings. This is what they look like....

I swear, if there is ever a zombie apocalypse this is what they'll be like..

Obviously that's not the reason you shouldn't be a smombie. We've all seen how the new Pokemon Go game has been causing accidents, crashes and injuries.  This is because people are being like smombies! They're not paying  enough attention to their surrounds while looking down at their phone.

I  think this is really why we should have transparent phones. One app  developer recently developed an app that projects the image from the  camera onto the screen and makes apps transparent so you can see what's  in front of you when you're walking along. I would imagine that the  smartphone developers take this route simply because we are creating  more and more smombies with ever better and cheaper smartphones.

Some countries have even put up signs in their cities and towns prohibiting people from smombie walking!

So really, I guess if you think about it, the zombie apocalypse is already here?

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