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Choices and Healthy Decisions

Several years ago, for two decades perhaps, I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself or blaming others -- to own my decisions -- to live with no regrets.

Lake Lindsey by Meredith Loughran

Lake Lindsey by Meredith Loughran

I've had hard choices to deal with, and in 45 years of living have only one terrible regret.

Which I won't get into here.

image source

They say hindsight is 20/20.

There is a certain amount of clarity when looking at one's past in an attempt to be objective.

I divorced the father of my children because he was slowly killing my soul.
I quit a good paying job that I loved because the managers were killing my spirit.
I removed myself from the negative people and limit my time in their presence if staying distant cannot be avoided.

I practice being tactful because it's purposeful, free, and often kind.

Definition of Tactful, a screen print by Meredith Loughran

Is it possible to have 20/20 vision for the future?

I'd like to think it is possible. And while I joke that I don't know what I want to be when I grow up, I certainly do know exactly what I want for my life.

Health - Happiness - Home - Creature Comforts

Meredith and Pat Loughran, 2016

So, the latest decision I made was back in December when I got a part time temporary seasonal job. Working from home is great but the income was anything but steady.

I would guess that most freelance / independent contractors / remote workers would say it's Feast or Famine and I'd been in a pretty steady work drought.

Thank goodness for Steemit!

It's never felt like work but I was here every day blogging, interacting, building a community, and rediscovering my love of creating things in art and music.

When my temporary job came to an end I was terribly relieved even though I would miss the income. He never said it - and never would - but with my extra income, as meager as it was, I saw a little stress leave my husband's shoulders. In three weeks my earnings had paid off a high interest bill and got us caught up on another one.

Suddenly I was seeing a light at the debt tunnel.

I stayed up all night

I went through the online job sites looking for more jobs with little to no hope of finding anything in a timely enough manner. Honestly, I didn't want a job with a lot of responsibility. Point to a task, say "do it" and I'll say "yes ma'am or yessir." I don't really want to think and I didn't care if it was shoveling chicken shit.

I must have filled in 20 applications -- but there was one... I had it opened in tabs and kept clicking away from it. I wanted it but I didn't want it. Everything they were looking for in a candidate was well within my wheelhouse of experience but they were seeking a full time employee.

And you're probably thinking I'm nuts for hesitating
at jumping on a full time opportunity, right?

Yes, a full time job earns more money but it also keeps me out of the house for 40+ hours a week. I've done this before at great personal expense.

Money isn't everything but time is precious.

image source

Another part of my hesitation in pursuing a job is this:

  • I felt like I was trying twice as hard for a job I half wanted
  • I rarely apply for a job (even if I half want it) with the intention of leaving it. If I'm hired I'll work until it's impossible to do so, or I'm escorted out the door. I've never been escorted out.

I made the decision

I applied for the full time job. The application process was in three phases and with each hurdle I realized I wanted this job. My interview was about an hour long and I felt pretty good about it. Like most processes, I thought it might be a week or two before I heard back.

I had an email that evening at almost 11 PM asking if I'd like to start the next day!


If there is one thing I've learned in this life it is this:
When things are meant to be, things fall into place.

When you force things, you certainly can make things happen but what you don't see right away are the fractures from the force of your actions. Those fractures will chip, tear and break that foundation of what you were forcefully building...and it will fall like a house of cards...eventually.

Another decision needed to be made

We only needed one car when I was working from home so that's all we have. Hubby tried to be a manly man, insisting I take the car and he would walk the 3.5 miles to work - potentially 7 miles round trip in addition to the 15 to 20 miles of walking he already does at his job.

This was not acceptable to me.

I know he has a sense of male pride that he's providing for his woman and all, but honestly, I'm about a delicate as a brick, okay?

Where there's a will there's a way - and my way won.

My solution is this: He gets the car and I get to walk 1.2 miles to the bus stop and practically get dropped off at my job location.

The Pitfalls

  • I basically have a 1.5 hour commute.
  • I have to get up at 5 AM if I want to shit, shower, shave, eat breakfast, and have a cup of coffee before I start walking.
  • Walking in inclement weather is gonna suck a little -- but I have a plan for that.
  • I'm not blogging on Steemit nearly as much as I'd love to! I MISS YOU GUYS!

The Benefits

  • At $25/month, a bus pass is significantly cheaper than a second car payment + insurance.
  • I'm exercising 5 days a week now.
  • I've already dropped half a size in 2 weeks.
  • I'm sleeping better than I have in YEARS.

Getting what I want

Health - Happiness - Home - Creature Comforts

I am healthier! With walking 3 miles a day, 5 days a week, I'm working on my cardio and notice improvement to my core. I'm losing weight along with eating and sleeping better.

I am happier! My husband and I seem to mirror each other. When he's happy, I'm happy and vice versa. The extra income has eased some of the tension from his shoulders and worry from his eyes.

Home We're looking ahead with 20/20 vision. Instead of a pipe dream we've got a plan to save and buy a piece of property to build our home.

Creature Comforts Living frugally has taught me to appreciate the things that I have. We have no intention of going back to wasteful living, take-out every other night, and expensive "toys" for the sake of having them. My creature comfort is in the form of saving for a computer upgrade, grilling a steak for the boys once in a while, and decent walking shoes. I don't need fancy clothes, the latest iPhone, and a brand new car.

My future is full of wonderful possibilities
and with so many choices ahead I am committed to making healthy decisions.

How about you?

If you've read this far then here's something fun

I am going to equally distribute 100 STEEM + 100% of the liquid STEEM from this blog post to 5 randomly selected individuals who respond to this post.

  • Anyone can participate.
  • Only one entry per person per day (2 entries maximum)
  • 5 names will be randomly selected from all qualified entries.
  • Distribution of STEEM will be Monday evening, February 6 - so you have until Sunday at midnight (Eastern time) to enter.

Here's the catch

  • Follow @steemit-health
  • Upvote AND participate in the three daily posts:
    * Enter Your Daily Health Score
    * What Are You Thankful For Today?
    * What's Your Resolution For Today?
  • Finish this sentence in comments by Saturday night for one entry:
    On a perfect day I would wake up in the morning and ____________
  • Finish this sentence in comments by Sunday night for one entry:
    My favorite activity is___________

@steemit-health is operated and maintained by @dan-atstarlite