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Have you been wanting to learn to a new language? or maybe become great at soccer? how about sing? program? Well, Josh Kaufman has a 4 step method to learning ANY new skill in just 20 HOURS. The key 4 steps to doing this are the following:

Step 1: 

Deconstruct The Skill: Don't try to learn the whole skill at once. Instead, break down the skill into its parts. Learn just one small part of that skill and practice that over and over until you've pretty much got it down. For example, if you want to learn to play the guitar just practice a few chords. By knowing just a few chords you can already play quite a few songs.

Step 2: 

Self-Correct: Do research on how to correctly perform that skill you want. Do enough research that you can self-correct your mistakes. Remember to not go overboard with reading research to the point that you never get to actually sit down and practice. The idea is that by noticing and correcting your mistakes you'll perfect these small parts. In no time you'll be great at the whole skill.

Step 3:

Remove Barriers to Learning: Don't try to multitask while learning a new skill. Take out all distractions and focus 100% on practicing that skill. Don't try to learn while scrolling through Facebook OR Steemit (Aha, I caught you!). Moreover, put your phone on airplane mode so it isn't buzzing with every text you receive. Remove ALL distractions. 

Step 4:

Practice At Least 20 Hours: In just 20 hours of practice you will go from knowing Nothing to being Astoundingly good in that skill. 20 hours break down to just 40mins a day for a month. Overall, commit to these 20 hours and you'll see yourself improve greatly. 

This is Josh Kaufman and this is his Ted Talk:



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