Sovereign men and women don't play politics

I have never voted in my life. I never will vote unless forced to do so at the barrel of a gun. Why? Because the left and right wing belong to the same predatory bird of prey: the government. This should be abundantly clear for everyone to see. It doesn't matter whether you vote 'left' or 'right'; or whether you hold 'conservative' views or 'liberal' views. Right now, liberals and conservatives alike are under house arrest. Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Atheists, feminists, social justice doesn't matter. We are all mere cattle to the ruling class.

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One could say the common enemy is government, but that's too easy. The enemy is not a man, or even a group of men, but a mere belief; one that is held almost universally across the entire world: the belief in political authority. The belief that rulership is legitimate. Have you ever considered that no one ought to to rule? No kings, queens, emperors or politicians? Have you ever considered that you are the sole ruler of your life, and that 'no man has received from nature the right to rule his fellow men?' I have - that's why I don't vote. I am sovereign, and so are you.

"It is not in the nature of politics that the best men should be elected. The best men do not want to govern their fellowmen." - George MacDonald

"Over one's mind and body, the individual is sovereign." - John Stuart Mill

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