Haters VS. Critics, and how l will turn them both into dollars...

So, I'm discovering that...

One result of putting your thoughts/feelings/insight out there on a blog for all to see is that you will attract your fair share of critics.

Over the last couple months I've been on here blogging, and sharing those posts on my other social media. I've received an overwhelming amount of support in those endeavors. I have also received some criticism. You can read my last such exchange here.

TLDR Version:
A gentleman questioned my experience, insinuating that since he didn't know of me, I must be a hack. I told him that my first few years were as a freelance engineer part time (I was sixteen when I started, and had all sorts of things sixteen years old kids have going on going on.) He went on to tell me my article was amateurish, and off base on several points. I asked for clarification, In the form of point by point breakdown of what I missed. I was genuinely interested in his perspective. He never provided any further insight, and instead went on to tell one of my best friends that his tracks were garbage, again without ever providing a single reference of his own work. It turned into a shit show after that, to be honest.

I would love to write these all off as haters, as so far none of them have responded to my requests for point by point breakdowns of exactly what I got wrong In their opinions; but maybe they are just taking their time and writing super thoughtful and actually constructive responses...
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So that got me thinking...

We all know that actual constructive criticism is necessary for us to refine our craft. It's sometimes hard to take, but that usually just means it's all the more useful when we are finally able to absorb it.

And to be fair to my colleague in the above exchange, his initial point was a fair one. I haven't been FULL TIME for the entirety of the fifteen years I boast on my resume. In my defense, I never said I was full time the entire time: but still I consider the point to be valid and will be sure and clarify that on future posts.

That being said, I really didn't see anything else of value that conversation brought to the table. In fact, due to some of my hard hitting street homies being legit protective of their peeps, it got really ridiculous.

So the question...

Are the haters providing anything we can capitalize on?

The answer, of course is YES!

If constructive criticism is a guiding force, then hater-aide is a propellant force. If critics help me align my trajectory with my goals, then haters provide fuel necessary to reach those goals.

To further the analogy: if constructive criticism is the keel I use to steer my vessel towards success, then useless bashing from the haters it's just more wind in my sails to get me there.

We can get caught up In the self doubt these trolls delight in creating, or we can recognize that their vitriol is a product of their own insecurity, and move beyond it. I'm in the move beyond it camp.


I have recently started a project to create a Steemit Funded Mobile Studio and have set myself a goal of saving half of my authorship rewards on non-related posts, and all of the rewards on post directly related to the project until I can afford to get phase 1 off of the ground. I'm pleased to report that my savings account has grown to 22 Steem! Thanks to @jessamynorchard for her generous donation to the cause! It's slow going right now, but I will get there. So anyways, give this post some love, and half will go to that. Go give that post some love, or any of the subsequent updates...

Image sources: 1 2 3 4

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