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I am fancy Dad!

I am a fancy Dad

If you have children you know they come up with the most funny things. My daughter who is 5 is no exception. Or maybe I should say exceptionally good at this. This morning while I was rubbing my eyes to wake up she greeted me with the

Honor News Network. Da, da, da, da.

This is just her rambling on about all kinds of things and yeah it is cute as a button.


This morning was just slightly different as I was rubbing my eyes like I was saying she came out with:

I love you my fancy Dad.

Now if she was just a little bit older I would be wondering what it was she wanted. This morning I knew she wanted her hugs and kisses. Which is actually cool and everything but I wasn't awake yet when I graduated from Dad to fancy Dad.


She explains to me that:

"it won't be forever" and that

she is not fancy, but little girls are pretty or beautiful. So I could just call her my beautiful daughter.

I am sure you can imagine how it is kind of nice waking up to being fancy. It not being father's day, but really everyday is father's day if you know what I mean. I hear a monster, so I am pretty sure that right now I am not so fancy as my wonderful daughter turns into a monster when she is hungry.

Are your fancy in your household?