Terrorist attack in my city, Barcelona. Chronicle of a Day of Death

Yesterday, while I wrote the presentation post, my mother, my aunt and my girlfriend call me to the phone. When pick up the first call, the voice of my aunt say me: "Are you ok?". At that moment I stay surprised, but I answer him: "Yes I am, why? What happen? Your answer made me terrified. She say me: "Some terrorists are killing people near your job". Oh my God, terrorist attack in Barcelona. This is posible? It's a joke?

I went outside, to the street and I see poeple criying, screaming and running, at that moment I knew that something very serious had happened in my city.

A van, had run over a crowd and it appeared that there were mortal victims and many injured. I walked down the street, where the police recommended not to go, I'm a journalism student, I wanted to see what was happening. The police blocked the streets, access was impossible. From the distance, one could see a white van in Rambla Catalunya one of more turistics places of my city.

13 deads and more than hundred injured it's the official information. Among the mortal victims, a girl of 3 years.

Few hours later, ISIS, claims responsibility for attack

¡¡Damn bastards!!

Three terrorists are arrested, but the driver is stay free

Seven hours later, the police avoid a second terrorist attack. Five terrorists are shot down in Cambrils.

At this moment, this morning, people hinks that everything has been a dream, but not, all is real, very real, fucking real. This world goes to the most absolute destruction. The humans, are the most dangerous weapon. I no longer want to write more, because from my window, I see the blood from the deads in the ground. Bye bye, a lot of hugs from Barcelona.

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