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The loss ... What if we lose?

And if you lose?, What if I lose?, And if I lose?, And if you lose me?, And if we lose?.

What if the loss is a meeting point?

The loss... The place of encounters and disagreements, farewells and new beginnings. The exact point of fear, of anguish, of sadness, of anger, of manipulation... A bitter place for many, a simple process for others, perhaps a minority.

Although a pleasant subject, because it moves us to the bottom, it accompanies us from the first moment of our lives and knowing how to react to it will be a challenge until the last. We are beings with innate instincts of attachment and in each one is to assume the loss and glimpse the new beginning and encounter or in some cases the final dismissals, or continue living and reliving the loss, which is not released for fear of being abandoned (as although the biggest abandonment is from oneself) or losing.

And if you lose?, What if I lose?, And if I lose?, And if you lose me?, And if we lose?.

And if you get lost and I get lost to find ourselves, to live an adventure and to know new things and so relive the curiosity we had as children, that thirst for knowledge, within an unexplored territory or to value what we lived and what acquaintance, maybe knowing, I manage to miss or discover what I'm really passionate about?.

And if I lose you and if you lose me... And if only then we find new paths that lead us to the path that united us or to a new path to be together. Or the road that awaits with things and new people that our life needs, in which we want to be and we are afraid to travel for fear of making mistakes?.

And if we get lost? Well maybe we are meeting or maybe we were already lost.

 You are not abandoned, you are not lost, you did not lose... You are on a new path.