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God's secret ways-Chapter One

  A little story I'd like to share with the entire beautiful Steemit community

  God's secret ways  

  Chapter One 


A child was born on August 17, 1761, in a small village in England.  That same day, in the same country, hundreds of children were born. But this child was called Edwin Schnauzer. And God would do great things in him.  His family was poor. They had to work hard to live. But they liked to study and read. They lived in a little house on the outskirts of town. Schnauzer's father worked weaving fabrics. When he wasn't working, he was looking for something to read. So he became a teacher at the village school. It was he himself who taught Schnauzer to read.   

 Since his father read a lot, Schnauzer did the same. He read everything he could find. So he knew that the world was full of wonders he had never seen before. He knew about Columbus' travels and the landscapes of America. He knew of countries where people had skin of a different color and spoke languages that did not resemble his. He knew of thousands and thousands of people who lived in distant lands. They had never heard of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So God was preparing Edwin Schnauzer for the work he had for him. He was preparing him by putting dreams in his heart.  



When Edwin Schnauzer was about 16 years old, his father made him an apprentice shoemaker. To learn that trade, he had to move to a shoemaker's house in a nearby town.  It was there that Schnauzer met Christ. He knew him through the testimony of another apprentice named Juan. John spoke to him about the love of Christ, who forgives all sins. Schnauzer was not convinced. He believed that his sins were not so great and that he did not need that kind of forgiveness.  

 But one day he discovered that he was wrong. The shoemaker had sent him to do some shopping. Edwin bought what the shoemaker had asked, and then he bought other things he needed. But he spent more money than he could, and he didn't know how to account to the shoemaker. Then he remembered a counterfeit coin that a friend had given him. He put it between the shoemaker's coins and all the way he asked God not to discover the deception. God did not protect him, but wanted Edwin to realize that he was a sinner. The shoemaker discovered the deception. Edwin felt so ashamed that he didn't go out for many days.  

 Then Edwin Schnauzer remembered what John had told him. In Jesus Christ there is forgiveness for all sins. That day Schnauzer accepted him as his savior. I have nothing more to add except to tell you, dear Steemit reading community, that such are the secret ways of God.   

 To be continued