Animals vs. humans - an epic battle


Unfortunately today was a rainy day and we could not go outside, we had to stay home. We would have loved to go back to the beach and have fun but that was not an option.

Thus I took out a box of toys and handed it to my little man, hoping that it would keep him busy at least for half an hour. Yes, I was buying some time for me in order to finish my work.

While I was wrapping up my project, I was pleasantly surprised to hear my son playing, imitating voices. When I went to his room to see what he was doing, this is what I saw: the final preparations of an epic battle, animals versus humans.


As soon as he saw me, he explained to me that the animals were protesting the humans cut down their forests and that their habitat got too crowded.


The army of animals organized on three lines tried to negotiate with the humans, but negotiations failed because the big boss was greedy and wanted more wood.


Then animals attacked and took over the fortress, asking people to go back to where they came from.


Once the humans were gone, the animals were happy to have saved their forests and they lived happily ever after in their natural habitat. They even made a happy dance, (check out the first photo of this post), where all of them were in a spiral.

Needless to add how much I enjoyed listening to his animated story and hear that at the age of four he was already thinking about protecting the environment and saving the animals!

How often do you get to watch your child play? I mean not keeping an eye on him while you are doing chores around the house, but actually looking at him and listening to what he is saying or playing with him?

Unless stated otherwise, all photos used in this posts are taken and owned by myself.
If you wish to use any of my images, please contact me!

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Please leave your feedback in the comments,
I would love to hear your thoughts!

@2018 LaviPicu aka The Lyme Poet. All rights reserved.

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