Changing my Own Circle of Friends

Ever since listening to Alex Jones for a few months in 2015 my mind has concocted ideas to help this world be a better place. I suppose it is a natural progression upon learning that things are not as they seem. Also, I think deep down we all want to feel we made a difference in the world.

What I have found is that rather than being upset at the way things are it is easier to serve those closest to me well and help that world be the best it can be.

It sounds simple and it may seem that blessing folks in our inner circles is not that big of a dream. However, I have found it is soothing and it magnifies much more over time than anything I could contrive on my own.

We are all wired for relationships and whether we realize it or not, sitting alone and imaging ways to get back at “them” for how “they” have ruined the world is not healthy. Our families deserve better than having to listen to rant after rant.

Am I saying my self-proclaimed title of conspiracy realist is going away? No, I am still heavily involved in seeking the truth. What I am saying is that faithfulness to those I care about is paramount rather than spending an extra hour or two away from them to watch a documentary. I would much rather live a great life with people I care about than have another ounce of knowledge.

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