1% Better Every Day

Show up. It sounds easy and it is. Rather than setting big huge goals and never starting, you and I are capable of showing up. Environment creates the cue that causes a craving for something more. Here is where our habits form.

The problem is not our goals are too small - no, the issue is our identity is skewed.

When we start a new habit our motivation is high. Yet, when the motivation becomes stale and the results do not seem measurable, what happens next reveals our true colors.

Our habits are the processes of our identity. What we choose to do, and what we end up achieving, starts by who we believe ourselves to be.

Remember when you were a child and wanted to be an astronaut or fireman? We start as children dreaming about being. Why do we become adults and dream about the results instead? Why has the material supplanted our longing to be?

In our quest to feel like we are succeeding we have the tendency to succumb to feeling like we have failed. Sounds reasonable. We have likely heard it before too. So why we do we give up?

Some may say it is because obstacles occurred. Some may say it was not worth it. However, what we are truly saying is that whatever we set out to achieve is not who we truly are. We are saying, like so many others who struggle with identity, we do not know who we are.

Our work, the art we buy, and the car we drive are all a reflection of who we are. The results inform not the identity but reveal it.

Our identity is rooted in someone eternal. A someone we may run from deny or even hate. However, destiny arrives all the same.

You and I are eternal. Our identity is rooted in that and our habits form based on whether we believe it or not. Struggling to find meaning? You may want to check your inner child. Deep down you know who your Father is. Here’s a clue, it is not Darth Vader. Here’s another clue, He loves you deeply.

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