divorce can make your kid twisted crazy !! horror

  1.  It was a beautiful sunny day, Leila the 8 years old girl woke up and heared her parents shouting at each other , as usuall! She was getting ready for school as the shouts stoped! She was thrilled it was over ! as she went down stairs she saw her mother on the ground creing so hard , the mother called her and gave her a  warm hug and said with a voice full of pain : my precious daughter , your father and I are getting divorced , I am so sorry babe ! but we tried , for so many years we tried for you , but we can’t do it anymore! , we are not made for each other , please forgive me my precious , nothing will change I promise , we will be okay ! Leila didn’t cry , even her face impressions were the same, okay! She said . I’m late for school . who will be at home this afternoon , you or my father? The parents were surprised : aah , it’s me! , the mother said  Okay ! cool , see you mother ! However! Leila didn’t go to school , she changed her direction , how could I meet my classmates like that ! I’m the daughter of a woman who got divorced twice ! why she keeps embarrassing me ? why she can’t just accept what god gave her ! why she didn’t try more ? , at least for me !  I have to do something , there is no way I’m gonna let other people know what happened , no one will respect me anymore! She thought for a while and said to her self : my mother lived enough , she got married twice , she travelled the world , she kept eating for 38 years , that’s more than enough , she won’t be sad if she died! And dad won’t be too , they hate each other , and my grand father says that she’s not his daughter any more after she cheated on her first husband with my father! And neither I will be sad , because I’ll be the poor orphin like maya! That’s really cool! People treat her really nice , But I have to do it quickly before the news spreads , and they will know that my parents are separated because of the divorce not her death. She rushed back to the house . the mother was surprised she’s back ,what’s wrong baby ? why did you come back ?  Nothing mom! i just forgot something , can you get me my pink bag from the room? As the mother went Leila went to the kitchen and looked for a knife. And rushed to the room and stabed her mother in the back. And ran away because the blood scares her ! But Leila is so small and week, and kitchen knives aren’t that sharp ! so the mother’s injury weren’t too bad! But the pain in her heart beats everything . She crawled to the phone in the next room and called the emergency . they took her in the ambulance to the hospital All that and leila’s observing from the ouside of the house , thinking that she was dead , she was happy and didn’t feel any guilt! As the father heared he came quickly to the house looking for his daughter . he asked her what happened ? Leila was very scared and she didn’t know what to tell him ,so she said the first thing that came to her head. It’s her first ex husband ; james ; he did it , he came to the house so angry and killed her ! he wanted to kill me too but I ran away , I am so scared daddy! Please don’t tell anyone or he’ll come after me please don’t tell anyone. The father got furious, he went to his room and grabed a gun hidden under the floor , looked for james and shooted him in the forhead . he died immediately under the sights of his new wife and two kids. Then he went to the police and turned himself in . he said he’s not a bad person . he just needed to protect his family. And he went to prison. The mother was in coma all this time , she woke up and asked for her daughter immediately ,  A nurce went to get her, she said : hello little girl! , your mother is okay , you must have benen worried ! she needs to speak with you , come with me child ! -What ?! my mother ? , isn’t she dead , she died I’m sure she got stabed , I saw her ! - yes she got stabed , but the injury wasn’t so bad , she’s okay now , come on girl ! let’s go meet her  oh my god what will I do ! what will I say ? she knows james would never hurt me or her , I’m sure she saw me kill her ! she said to her self ; wait! , dad lost his life already! He’s In prison and he won’t get out, Framing him won’t do him any harm. As soon as she saw her mother laying down she started creing : I’m so sorry mom ! I swear it was out of my hands , he made me do it he made me ! he said I have to do it or he will kill us both , I did it on purpose , I didn’t stabe you hard so you won’t die , I’m sorry mother ! he made me do it , you know I’ll never hurt you The mother believed her and said: who ? who is he ? who made you do it ? _ It’s daddy ;he made me kill you! _ john!! John did that!! _ Yes mom but I turned him in , don’t worry he’s in prison now! No one will hurt us anymore ! The mother was broken because of what happened she thought killing her is bad enough, but making her own daughter do it is an other thing , she decided to get revenge herself because the prison isn’t enough punishment .she couldn’t bare that he could drink and sleep as she’s suffering in bed with pain all the time. As she was laying down in the hospital she was thinking of a plan to satisfy her hatred She said to herself , the best way to do it is to be quiet and clever and patient , he must not know that I figured out what happened , I should get close to him and earn his trust , I should do it quietly so I won’t end up in prison , after all I’m doing this for my safety , me and my little daughter. I can never have second thoughts .*, I’m doing the right thing! Despite all what happened , Leila is happy , at least now she’s a victim and everyone is treating her nice and considering her as a hero because she survived all that! Without knowing who actually did it to her Because the father refused to talk about a dead man and he’s in prison And the mother is keeping everything a secret so she can get her revenge And Leila is acting like she’s traumatised and can’t talk about it , she visits her mother everyday in the hospital , so she asked her not to tell anyone what happened. Days gone by and the mother is healing more and more and her plan was getting stronger She came back home ; the first thing she did is securing the house , she heard that  “james” her ex husband got killed by her husband john , she thought that after the divorce john decided to kill all people that are close to her to burn her Everything was going in leila’s favor , she was so happy despites everything that happened , which gave the mother Helen doubts, but she tried to ignore them and focus on what’s important The next morning  Helen went to the prison to visit john , she acted like nothing happened , john was surprised she was alive , _ what!! Helen, are you alive ? I can’t believe that !, but leila told me james killed you! I can’t believe my eyes , what happened !! She said to herself , yes , blame it on james now you cheap! _yes , I survived , it’s god’s will , I’m glad he got what he diserves , thank you for doing this for me , I will find a way to thank you trust me , I’ll be here for you if you need anything John was very happy his wife ‘s alive , however he felt guilty for killing james  As for Helen , she checked the prison well , and could’t find anything that helps her fulfill her wish _I can never kill him while he’s in prison, there are too much guards and I just can’t sneak out without getting caught I need to get in here or het him out of there! But I can’t do it alone , I need some help  She thought a lot and found one solution , james’s new wife and kids She went to her and told her the whole story, and tiffany the wife agreed to cooperate with Helen They decided to get james out of prison so, tiffany went to the police station and testified that what john told them about killing james is wrong , and that james killed himself because he’s still in pain after Helen cheated on him , and couldn’t recover from that and what hurt him more is that even when Helen and john got divorced, she still didn’t want him so he killed himself, and john felt he was responsible for what happened so he turned himself in. the kids testified with her. The judge believed her , and the fact that james was shot in the forehead helped their case  John got out , he couldn’t believe what happened ,he suspected that the wife is up to something , he asked to stay in prison but the judge won’t agree As soon as he got out , Helen and Leila was there for him _ hurry! I’m sure tiffany and her kids are up to something! We have to go away from here!, follow me! Let’s hide Tifanny acted like she’s following them with the car Helen was sure he won’t hurt her on the way because he needs to focus on how to survive now! They drove away for hours and tiffany is still following , until they got to an abandoned place , tifanny drove away acting like she lost them That’s when Helen stoped driving and got a gun out of her bag ,  _ you cheap! Now you’ll get what you diserve  And shot him  As he was deing he said , what happened , why did you do that, what did I do to diserve this , god will punish you! Leila couldn’t believe what’s happening! She started creing non stop , she loved her father so much and now he’s deing infront of her for something he didn’t do _ what have you done mother! What have you done ? daddy’s innocent he didn’t do anything , it’s all me it’s all me ! oh god!! I didn’t know things will get out of control like that ! oh god please forgive me _ what are you talking about Leila, why are you creing , your killer is dead now, we’ll be okay now _ you don’t understand mom , he did nothing it’s all me , it’s all me And told her the whole story When she found out about that she hold her husband and cried so hard  _ I can’t believe that! I can’t believe this , john please wake up, john you don’t diserve to die , please wake up don’t do this wake up I’m the one who diserves to die , I should have died the first time ! I shouldn’t be alive That’s when she shot herself too and said to Leila : you are not my daughter anymore! Leila , the small young Leila , stood watching the disaster she made , but this time the tears stoped Tefanny came running , what happened here?  Leila answered with a yellow evil smile : well! Love killed them both, love made them get me, and love made them kill each other , I guess they were meant for each other after all , they just needed someone to prove that !    

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