What's the bar for Geekery?

I’ve been pondering over the last few days, that, and I’ve been working lol, those cold salads aren’t going to dish themselves up themselves, y’know lol. But in amidst the craziness I’ve been thinking about what people actually classify as a geek? I see the bar has really been lowered over the last few years, and, I’ve talked to people that classify themselves as a computer geek yet they wouldn’t know the first thing about building their own machine.

But on the other hand on Friday I was out drinking with my friends and I ran into this chap who was a support tech guy from some whizz company in Dundee, and, he made me feel as if I hadn’t learned anything. He was super techy. He was nice though, and I didn’t think he was turning his nose up at me.

And that led me onto thinking.. what is the geek bar? Or is that something you classify yourself? Like each to their own? Who determines if someone is a geek or not? Me? You?? Someone else? I mean my friends have been stroking my ego for a few years now since technology became the ‘in’ thing. And I must say, it’s made me feel more important than I should! I’m the guy they go to see when technology goes tits up. I have a natural flair with it.

But in the grand scheme of things I’m now only on my first year of computing at the Open University. Perhaps I’m not as super-techno-whizz as I thought! Or perhaps the guy I met was super advanced in his trade. Maybe I’m reading into this too much and I should just be happy being me! lol.

It's the same when I come on here. I always love to check out the trending or new articles of technology and I end up being bamboozled by some. I mean I want to get there in the end. I'm trying to learn. I'm just curious as to where everyone's at and what do other people deem as tech smart. If they deem that a quality at all.

My ego feels a bit bruised. I’ll get over it. What do all of you think? Where is your bar? If there’s a bar at all? I’d really like to hear from you.     

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