Fitting in to Society's strange standards

I wrote a few days ago about always trying to fit in. Always choosing the things that fits what society tells me I should do rather than what I want to do. Oh, he’s an attractive chap that likes sports. He needs to fit in with the ‘in’ crowd. So that was my slot. I’d slot in where society told me like a little robot that I was. 

Truth be told I’d have rather hung out with the uber geeks. Where they’d be talking about their newest adventure on their latest RPG. Or the newest thing to hit telly. Back in my day it was either Star Trek or Stargate SG-1. I just really wanted to sit at their table and talk geek. 

But society told me that I shouldn’t be sitting at their table, and that I should be sitting with the people that talk sports and chat to girls and care who said what to who about whom. It was all rather tiring. I didn’t have enough time in the day about all that. 

And it followed me when I left High School, truth be told I thought it would end, but in true group fashion I somehow always ended up with the popular people. I never really wanted to but I had a face that fitted and a slender body to match. It’s funny actually. How physical appearance weights a great deal on how you’re perceived in this world. Some might deny it, but it’s true. My greatest gift, yet equally my biggest flaw 

I thank society inwardly now. For making Facebook cool, for bringing all social media to the forefront and making it a regular day to day thing. I no longer have to hide my sordid little secret. And if I spent excessive amount of time on here then no-one bats an eyelid. It’s awesome. 

I can play games now, with my friends. And none of them will look at me as if I’ve just wet farted in St Pauls when I ask them if they’d like a multiplayer on Call of Duty, or Fifa, or something equally as heart stopping.

 And no-one will look at me strange ever again when I talk to them about the good old days when I’d use to try and find a potential lady friend. Everyone does that now, it’s not seen as bat shit crazy like it used to be. 

So I guess I finally slot in now. Not completely. I mean I’ve came out the closet with my geekery, and my friends, they’re just happy they have someone to fix their tech stuff when they need it, but I still get topics that go way over others head. At least they accept it now. 


Have you ever had any experiences like such?

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