Weekly 5 Bullets #2

Hi All!

Here is your weekly dose of “5-Bullet Friday,” a list of what I’m enjoying or pondering. I've been reading Tim Ferriss's 5 Bullet Friday for a long time and I figured that I should get into a habit of making my own. This week, I'm a bit late, since I haven't been on my computer for a few days.

Music I’m listening to —

I listen to this while doing Wim Hof style meditation in cold shower. It's effective for heating up the body. Mind over matter.

Purchase I’m enjoying —
Generic canned wild Alaskan salmon from the supermarket. Convenient and cheap source of quality protein.

What I’m reading —
[The Quants: How a New Breed of Math Whizzes Conquered Wall Street and Nearly Destroyed It](http://amzn.to/28ZYNoq)

Fascinating story about the rise of algorithmic trading. 

Podcast I'm listening to —
[Jocko Podcast](http://jockopodcast2.com/)

Discipline is freedom. 

Quote I’m pondering —
"I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people." - Isaac Newton

This was a quote from the Quants book used in context to refer to when quantitative trading goes wrong and the 2008 financial crisis, but it is also very relevant this week with how people behaved in response to Brexit.

Please let me know your requests and suggestions in the comments below. Which bullet above is your favorite? What do you want more or less of?

Thanks for reading! Have a wonderful weekend,


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