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Picking breakfast

Morning everyone
For some time I've been picking my breakfast in the old orchard while walking the boys.

The place is quite isolated and was used in the old days. Now it's providing food and refuge to animals like roes, deer's, pheasants, badgers, herons, bees, hedgehogs and owls. Ofc there are more animals but these are more common.

Anyway, there is so much fruit that I can choose my breakfast. Apples, pears, plums.. there are also cherry and scarlet runner trees but their season has passed, so now there is more autumn fruits. There is also some nuts which I love.
I mostly eat apples hehe, there is more types of apples so I can't get enough of them.
But in order to get them I have to climb the tree :D

Better breakfast than buying one for sure.

Boys also love this place, they can run as much as they like, there is a stream and not many people visit it.

There are some houses but they are right on the border of this incredible place

Enjoy life, it is beautiful
Hope you like my post
Wish you all to stay safe ✌