Why authority is an illusion

Ever wonder why you are susceptible to certain types of people in authority? Maybe it's the school teacher, or the police man, or even the Politician. There's always going to be that person in your life that you are slightly or mostly obligatory to. Why? Well think about it, all through our lives we've been taught to obey. We've been taught to be good in school, obey the teacher, succumb to the pressure of society so you aren't lifted by the police, or whatever choice we have in Politics that's it for us, there's no 'other'. Learn to provide and get a job and raise a healthy family.

Any of you out there been taught to lead? I'm not sure at any point in school, college or university was I at any point given any help on effective management. Perhaps that's because people deem it as a life skill and experience matter, who knows? I know I wouldn't have been able to lead in my twenties, but then again I had a slightly abnormal childhood. I can't speak for the rest of the world.

Not even at work. Work I was taught how to half-lead whilst still brown-nosing the big boss. The big-boss has the last word because he/she ultimately runs the company and rules the little contained environment that I live in. We weren't built to perceive the world in it's current vastness, and it's why I talk about authority and the illusion that we live in.

I love to talk about feelings, and empowerment, and gender issues, love and the likes but please make no mistake. I'm definitely no authority. I don't see myself as one, anyway. I like to have the notion that all of you, everywhere are my equals. Given the same chances that I've had in my life you'd be in the same position as me. Granted, I know my shit. And, I have a huge list of credentials that extends the length of my arm, but that still doesn't make me an authority. When you think about it realistically I'm just some greying 30-something man with a loving wife and son in tow trying to make ends meet. I'm no grand spokesperson for you. YOU know about YOU.

It's like @dan, and @ned, yeah, those guys might have had the greatest idea ever that's framed the start of a change in the way web communication works in the likes we've never seen before, yet they're no authority. They can't speak for me. Or you. Just because they post something on cryptocurrency doesn't mean the grand wiseth speaketh and it shall be done. Chances are they've probably fucked up on tons of deals like you and I previously. Yup, they certainly know their shit but it still doesn't make them an authority.

Same when anyone else on here speaks with an over 50 reputation, it doesn't mean shit. It only means that they've invested a lot of time (and perhaps money) here and it's paid off. But let's not get me wrong here most of you guys are awesome, and provide this community with valuable valuable content that really engages and connects with people. But I feel most of you have the same perception as me anyway. It's why cryptocurrency is so popular.

In my opinion the less we shove people on pedestals and the more we try to understand humanity then the easier it will be for all of us. 

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton? Authorities? Remember, they still sit on the toilet and let foul smelling shit rip their arseholes apart. They may like to be seen as infallible, but on the contrary they're not. Two humans that were born into good circumstances and did something about it. But we still hold the keys to their power.

Every one of you. Every. Damn. One. of you on here and everywhere else has value. We are but mere victims of circumstance. I was born into a slum-dwelling poor family. My Dad made the best out of his opportunity, and then so did I.

To phrase it better, if you were born into the best of circumstances do you think you would have had it as bad as you do now? And that's vice versa too. As a man that tries to constantly understand humanity and what it stands for I can tell you for sure that everyone fucks up, everyone makes the same mistakes and no-one on earth's shit smells sweeter than the next persons. When you put yourself above someone else it's game over for you, because then you're underestimating the outside world and the force of change. Change always catches you out. I promise!

Tip for today (hidden meaning)

Don't base your worth on authority, money and materials. Base it on who you are as a person and how you perceive others and treat them.

It's win win from here, friend!

Be well,


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