After some time- I'm back!

My dear Steemit friends!

Its been almost a year since my last post.
Im not going to lie- I was lazy...

Also, some new things happend im my life, so I will shortly write about those things.

  1. First - got some new jobs!

You all know that I work on one local TV station in Zagreb as a journalist, but last six months I also work as a TV host in TV show on N1 TV. Topic- energtic, economy... I dont know anything about that so This is opportunity to learn something new. Some of This shows you can see on YouTube, type Energypress! Hope you Like IT!


  1. More jobs!

Also, occasionaly Im hosting some events. For example, This sommer, I was a presenter at a State Championship for schools in Croatia.




  1. Im back to school!

From Last october Im attending a postgraduate studies in a field of diplomacy and foreign policy. All my exams are done! Bravoooo to me! ā¤ļø


  1. Im a winner of alchocolic competiton!

I think that word is not needed. 28 days in a row I was going out, drink little bit of vodka, and WON! Its not something to be proud, but I like a fact that I dont give up! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


  1. The biggest reason for happiness- my moms hair is growing!

Cancer, fuck you šŸ–•


So, This is a resume of my last year!
And you my friends, What is neeeeeew???

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