RE: Don't Be A Fool, Drop Out Of School! Advice To Young People On How To Live The Good Life

Jeff it was great to see you speak with Eric Dubay.
It is essential we educate ourselves with school, collage and university literature but must be able to step out the box and question what are our own thoughts and ideas that have not been pushed on us.

Its the height of ignorance to know and understand only one world view or one model when referring to our reality and the possible explanations. Only with the research and knowledge into other models and history can you compare, discern and reason with logic which fits your reality best. Scientism is a dogmatic branch of science which has its high priests and followers who blindly accept just about anything put forward without obeying the scientific method or practical experiments. People need to know the difference between pseudoscience such as astrophysics and real science we can actually perform as tangible, practical, repeatable and scaleable such as natural science.

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