Life Is A Choice

I have three children. In the early of marriage, I had nothing. I had no a motorcycle. I had no a house. My wife and I rented a house. It was a hard time for us. I decided to marry my wife. It was my choice.

In my relationship, everything did not go well. We had conflicting interests. However, all were done. I did not realize that my wife got pregnant. She gave a birth of my fist daughter. 1.5 year later, she gave a birth again. After three years, she gave a birth again.

Now my first daughter is 15 years old. I am amazed , I have been living with my wife for more than 15 years.

In my life journey, I don't have a plan. It all just happens. I met my wife and we committed to get married. Then . we have three children. I moved and started a new life. I still rented a house in 2015. In 2018, crypto bounty jobs gave me good earning and I was able to buy a house. I did not plan and I did not predict before.

Now, my first daughter will enter a senior school. Everyday, I pick up my daughters to school. I carry on the activities even though I am tired.

I do not have a good job. I am 48 now. It is not marketable to get a job in a big institution. I do everything I can. Hive blogging is one of my sources of income. I also sell some snacks. I have private English classes.

I'm back to starting mode. I have no plans and cannot predict the future for me and my children. Life is a choice. I should choose what I can do to be better. I do everything to make my children get better education.

I teach my kids to make a good choice for their lives. I do not tell my condition to them. I always say I will give them what they want for better lives. I sometimes reject my son's desire by saying " It is better to choose the better things". I sometime postpone what my kids want.

A choice for a better life is thing that needs actions. I sometime walk back to make a new start. I always emphasize myself to choose the best in this life even though the choice is difficult for us to achieve. My choice and my decision may be different from other people but that is my life.

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