When you look at the bright side of broken...

This is so great, I did not think I would be so happy about this but as it turns out I am!!

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As some of you know I broke the screen on my Samsung S7 Edge amazing phone btw, it still works but it's slowing down due to the completely destroyed screen. So I have been using my iPhone 6 for the past few weeks.

The Samsung has an amazing camera, the display when its crack free is incredible and I rarely have had freezing or lag issues with this phone. I would have kept this phone for a long time if I had not damaged it. There is a lesson here people, buy a glass screen protector.


Anyhow despite all of this I am going to be moving over to the iPhone 8, I do love that it's available in gold and that it syncs easily with my Mac. My main hope for this phone is that the camera is amazing. This is basically why I am upgrading. I want a fantastic camera to record the world around me and as I find it challenging to drag my SLR on all my excursions.

The benefit of breaking my Samsung is that I get to use my old iPhone 6 from2015/2016. I had an amazing year in 2016 and I love having all the memories flood back when browse through this photos on this phone.

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Most of my photos seem to be revolving around the water, I do love being out on the lake!!

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Even Chad likes to go out on the water, he prefers the paddle board over the surf board.


Not me! I love to surf,

Or just lay around with my girls,

Or just being a poser on my own!


Summer 2016 was one for the books! I am glad to have all these memories, now I hope my new iPhone will be able to capture life as vibrantly as my i6 did!

Follow me @kylaki if you want to hear more about my Okanagan adventures or if you want to see what else I'm up to in Canada and around the world!

As always comments appreciated ❤️

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